Entry 10 The Path of the Fungi by Vaz | World Anvil

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Mon 21st Sep 2020 10:33

Entry 10 The Path of the Fungi

by Vaz

We go to open this sealed box, the magic is so intense Miss Amrith looses her sight momentarily, it must be a grand power source.
The Master taps the stone loosing his sword and leviates up.
The Wondering one calls in archenite, a source of random magical energy, and may be able to start out portal.
After taking up some of the good from the house we look to make camp in the basement. There are limited items here but I will make the best I can of this odd place.
While the night passes a Beholder comes into my dreams - "all debts must be paid with interest or with blood"
Waking for my watch we have a visitor... Elya tells us to fall back immediately.. seems we are sorrounded by some sort of ghosts or rememnants of this land.
Locked in a basement, I have no intent of being murdered by a long dead elf. They are looking to take us to their leader, who is ruthless.
Elya barters for our passage and without any violence we leave in their company.
After much debate we leave behind our key.