Entry 33 Revenge is a dish... by Vaz | World Anvil

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Tue 28th Jul 2020 03:21

Entry 33 Revenge is a dish...

by Vaz

The pitched battle continues, these bugs are a nuisance, but they are between us and the war machine, which cannot be taken so lightly. It seems, they have a grudge against The Molted One, this will give us the opportunity needed to bring its end, unfortunately it seems my movements were too slow, Master was exposed and taken down. Vengeance was quick and painful, crushing this overstated dinner's skull with my fist. The Molted One was quick to revive the Master, I wonder if this ones companion will be so helpful. It did bring it back, as an abomination, an interesting ability, but this machine would have none of it.
This guardian retreats, waiting for us to approach. Like all members of a Royal House it is simply a matter of knowing what buttons to press. First we must gather ourselves, and prepare for this journey. (Short Rest 7/7 Ki)
A clean suit, a polished crown, a fancy title, an air of arrogance, and all guards stand aside.
The stronghold is under siege, very active siege. Savra is firing advanced forces directly into building, but we are watching, very carefully. Arcane wards against living creatures have been set but the Son of Law is able to move it, in order to cover our tracks. There is a broken staircase, slithering up I can see more of the landscape. This fortress is is falling apart, and the forces falling upon this place are innumerable, bugs and mushrooms are crawling over all over the place. Tassadre is far afield facing 3 of these insects, but he retreats up another floor to building behind.
We make a dash for it, keeping us from sight (5/7 Ki) we cross the rooftop and chase down this "Greatest Killer of Erosia", time to remove his claim to this title. Lady Elya, walks as a goat and is torn apart, we have no time to waste. I am able to get a quick shot in on him quickly, but he is masking himself, it is too difficult to stop his flow of Ki (4/7 Ki). He is fast, too fast, this might be my end.
This bright juice on my tongue, one of the goodberries, another chance to fight. Finally a solid hit to get his attention, but not enough to stop him in his tracks (2/7 Ki). I must gain some distance, and Lady Elya decides he needs better seasoning, and shoves some of those mushrooms down his throat.