Entry 26 Open Sesame by Vaz | World Anvil

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Mon 24th Aug 2020 11:13

Entry 26 Open Sesame

by Vaz

Finally ready, we head into the tomb. There seems to be much magic in the room keeping this Magus safe. It isn't until the Wandering One steps in that the room comes alive with necrotic energy.
This Syreen mentions the ring is in the room, and her and Thadus enter this tomb alone. The Changed One slams into the air nearly breaking her arm on nothing, something here is wrong. I have been seperated from the family, this is unacceptable.
There is a small hole for the smoke to escape, though it would only be large enough for a small creature, there must be another way through. These two pointed ears ones are poking around this arcane force that bars our way.
Thadus goes to thrust his blade into the tomb, but a hand, made of nothing, shatters his blade! Master is in far too much danger! The Molted Soul runs to his aid, but his magic surely protects him.
I failed to create an image of this fool's lover, but I cannot remember her face, and he capitalized trying to crush the life from the molted one. This wall though cannot stop magic, I will tear this mage down from his throne beyond the grave. Seems Master wishes to destroy him first, but something is not right, he just changes shape... into a ghost.
Finally this wall dropped, Mages, they talk too much, even when they are dead. (3/5 Silence) I hope Master and this skin shifter can make it in time, and don't linger. Kess imbues me with warmth.
51 max hp to 40 unil LR
Embroiled in combat we were able to stun, and destroy these ghosts. The Fresh Skin one, burned them form the sky, while the soul shifter cut them down. The Master shot another to pieces. (1/5 used 2 stuns)
We pull the crowns from their homes and run for it, this fills this room of spores, and Elya runs head first into this cloud. And the spores starts to dissapate, interesting, very powerful.
The taint of this place washes away.