Entry 01 Day 1 Evening by Vaz | World Anvil

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Mon 21st Sep 2020 10:39

Entry 01 Day 1 Evening

by Vaz

The day was rough, Master accomplished much but I was a failure.
There are now others, rule benders, to be watched. The Dragonborn Barbarian danes to join us. An old softskin has also joined, his sword looks worthy though. A fresh smooth one who rides also joined Kord, maybe he can tricked into destroying his master.
The Master can send me many places, to pray, drink, see a play... the others as well. He wishes us all to party, Sevis Tam is at the feast of racist.
The gathering of Heroes has an egg eating contest, Orc, the master is going to disgrace himself eating swamp eel eggs. Valeria is able to hold down many eggs and wins the contest.
Met Syral, a loaner but lizard like I. Alone in the woods
Miss Amrith, came forth saying she was in trouble and her life was at risk, we did not see the danger on the way back to House Nasin.
Must spend time to remake the anti-toxin.
Major After Hours Events:
The Ceremony of Remembrance: This is a solemn religious ceremony often attended by the nobility which goes though the names and deeds of the Heroic Saints at the cathedral before a procession is lead to Cedric's tomb and participants are allowed to commune with the Saints for blessing and guidance directly.
The Gathering of the Heroes: This is an event held at House Down which consists of a massive block party that all races and classes are invited to attend. Traditionally a group of Orcs usually takes over one of the taverns and celebrates raucously. There is gambling, drinking, dancing and cheap food.
"The Prophet of Nashrantar". This is a popular play dramatizing the events of the fall of Nashrantar. It will be held at the Bard's College.
The Feast of Saint Liam, this is a quasi-religious ceremony hosted by the Order of St. Liam. The poorest in the city are invited to receive the blessings of St. Liam and are provided food, clothing, healing. Crowds of the poor gather to receive the tossed tokens which can be redeemed for entry into the feast. Heroes who attend often do so to give charity. The feast, and the Order has a whole have a reputation for being quite racist against races of "monstrous and infernal origin".
Dance of the Summer Moon: A drum circle and dance held in the druid's garden, occasionally fae lords or primal spirits make an appearance.
A reading of Law and Mystery: Held at the great library it allows participants to receive tutoring in the skills necessary for the next days challenges of law, arcana and mystery.
The Mock Battle: Held at the coliseum, this is a massive mock battle hosted by the Golden Company, it is a form of capture the flag often with strange and entertaining challenges for participants. Betting is common.