Entry 07 Day 4 - The Ride's End & The Portal by Vaz | World Anvil

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Mon 21st Sep 2020 10:35

Entry 07 Day 4 - The Ride's End & The Portal

by Vaz

The sun setting we approach the ruins, the dark robbed figure deep into ritual.
Master Nassin, walks forward and attempts to spear the earth with the lance, but a creature appears to stop the lance from falling. This small imp evades us and is able to bring the Lance to it's Master, death is the only solution.
This robbed magician shoves the spear to the portal's mouth forcing it open, and a soldier appears to guard his ugly face. The master swiftly dodges out of site and burries a quarrel into this fool's side. A mace catches my arm as I pile onto my Master's lead.
This fool tries to toss the damned spear, my tail is faster than this slow witted thief.
This has drawn their ire, their rage is clear, damn.. I should have focused before pulling this stunt, this may be my final lesson...
<blacked out>
Waking I can see Miss Amrith, the Master carries me? The armored bear seems to be missing, and we are hit with a bright light.
Kess, starts working on this portal while the Master and Miss Amrith start to investigate our sorroundings and talking possibilites about the portal locations.
This is an opportune time to prepare for further travels.
After the Master deliberated our path in great detail, Nashantar should be our location.
We will ensure a good story for the King upon our return to Cerc.