Journal Entry - 9/27 by Noelani | World Anvil

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Journal Entry - 9/27

by Messenger of Odin Noelani Bizrel

We've come upon a new town and a new set of faces - a strange tabaxi and his "friend", an aquatic elf of sorts. They have been very kind in taking us into their tavern and place of business without too many questions. I think we can trust them.
Upon our rise of the first morn here, there has been a murder. I am certain it was not one of our members, but something is already lurking amongst us that is a dark force. We discovered that there is already blood magic of sorts involved. I must do more research.
I'd be ignorant if I didn't note my own struggle... yet it is hard to pen. There were almost two murders today.
I have been attacked by a demon in my sleep once more - this time, it proved more powerful than last, yet it was the same terrible force I have seen before. It won't see the last of me. Odin still calls, and I must press forward. I have to find a stop to this as soon as possible. As strong as my soul is, I don't know how many sleepless nights I can take.
I must find an answer.

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  1. Journal Entry - 5/24
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  7. Journal Entry - 9/27
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