Trandarc by Sypha | World Anvil

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16th of Kalt 116


by Sypha Selenes

As we headed off to find Trandarc, I found Tristan at the bar with Nora and told him I'd be back late and to keep the bed warm. In reality, I didn't want him getting suspicious or following us, that and getting into any other trouble. We left straight for the grove and got there early as planned to scope out the area. It was about 10pm or so. An hour or so passed when we began to see a swarm of ravens come about, hundreds of ravens. A few more minutes went by and we saw a horse drawn cart with a couple humanoid creatures coming up to the clearing from the North. They appear to be hauling a few goblins. A larger, much larger than normal bird flew down on a stump looking intently on at the two hunters with the cart. Shortly after a dark and shadowy figure came along from the South. It appeared to be Trandarc, according to the description we received, followed by a dark shadowy creature floating above the ground along with what looked like a few goblins slowly pulling a cart a little further back.
Upon arrival, one of the two hunters held out his ax at their cart of goblins while eyeing Trandarc and the large raven. Trandarc tossed a bag at the hunters, which I can only assume is payment for the captured goblins. The hunters quickly took off after receiving their payment. Trandarc then started to head back South, however the shadowy figure moved towards and hovered over the captured goblins. The creature's eyes started to glow and one by one the goblins fell. Unsure if they were unconscious or dead, the other, seemingly undead looking goblins that came with the shadowy creature started to load their cart with the goblins the hunters left behind. Tycone who is not known for his stealthy abilities made a little noise while trying to conceal himself in the bushes. The creature, hearing this noise, started moving towards Tycone. Carilius, not wanting to Tycone to get hurt made some additional noises to draw its attention. That is when we engaged what we learned to be a wraith!
I surrounded myself with my Fiendish Vigor and prepared to attack the wraith while trying to catch up to the undead goblins. Clearly this was an abomination and against the laws of nature and thus must be stopped. Over and over again we attacked the wraith. Meanwhile, we were literally getting pecked at and attacked by the swarm of ravens above us. Not long after the fighting began, the wraith had all but sucked the life out of Carilius and had almost taken Tycone from us as well. Fortunately before all hope was lost, Sodryn was able to heal Tycone and then spent every waking moment stabilizing Carilius. After almost a minute of fighting and blasting the wraith with everything I had, Tycone was able to finally fell the shadowy creature. It was at this time I was still being attacked by ravens, for my love of Morr I could not attack back. How is one such devoted to their deity come to attack their living symbol? I could not. As they pecked at me, I crouched behind a tree and cast my Fiendish Vigor again and prayed to Morr. What lesson was I to learn from this encounter? Why would Morr put me in this situation? I held a dead raven in my hands and screamed out to Morr! Why? Another minute went by and Tycone and Qhreetch were able to take out a few ravens before they retreated South into the darkness.
Malor and Hellah were nowhere to be seen, they must have continued onward tracking Trandarc. Seeing that Carilius was in capable hands, I rushed out to catch up with the goblins. When I reached them, the four that were seemingly undead were reduced to piles of ashy, gooey puddles. The other four goblins were just lifeless bodies in the cart. Seeing as nothing else could be done and my fellow Half-Elves were nowhere to be seen, I headed back to the rest of the group. As I came up to where the wraith fell, they were gone. The trees near the wraith were dead, the snow mostly melted, and the grass turned to browns and whites. In what was an icy area under the snow you could vaguely see the outline of the wraith's image. As I looked down at the image, a light reflected from within the ice that caught my eye. Upon further inquiry I could see what looked like a ring just underneath the thin layer of ice. I chipped at it for a minute and was successful in freeing it. It had some bumps on it, possibly made of ivory, and was very cold to the touch. Not cold in the the sense of a stream or a fresh breeze, but as if a coldness radiated from itself. Not sure what if the ring had any magical properties and knowing better than to just put it on, I stowed it away in my pocket and headed back to town in hopes of catching up with the others. A little time passes and I manage to reach them, but it's all for not as I am unable to communicate with either of them and unable to use my gift of Comprehend Languages at the moment.
We reached the town a few hours later, around 5am I'd say, shortly before daybreak. Upon entering the town I noticed the angry noble woman up on a roof near the temple. Not sure if she was inquiring about something through the temple windows or just watching for our return. She took off after I noticed her presence. I gesture to the others I was going to bed as they took Carilius to the temple. Sodryn ever still stabilizing the poor guy. I made my way up to the tavern and decided to just crash in the Vardo outside the stable. It must have been about noon when I finally woke up. I went to the tavern for some food and then brought some over to the temple as none of my companions were in the tavern. Tycone was still sitting next to Carilius and Sodryn was still stabilizing him. A few minutes go by and Carilius finally awakes and shows signs of life. Tycone was quite relieved his friend was alright and Sodryn passed out immediately. Still no word from Malor or Hellah. What a crazy night.

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  5. Tavern Time
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  6. Trandarc
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  8. Raven
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  9. Griffin
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  10. Hellah Investigates
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