Griffin by Sypha | World Anvil

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19th of Kalt 116


by Sypha Selenes

I gesture to Raven to put her cowl back on over herself upon finishing the ritual. Some of the older male locals aren't thrilled as they clearly haven't had a show in a long time. Shortly after I noticed the dogs outside started barking. I decided to step outside for some fresh air and see what might be startling the dogs. As I head outside I notice a couple of wardens riding up on their horses. Seeing as I just finished casting my Comprehend Languages ritual with Raven, I was able to overhear them speaking in Tarsh. "All night and nothing to show for it, its like they just disappeared" said one of the wardens. As the first one climbs down, the other notices me and Tycone as he exits the tavern and I overhear him again, "Get Garth, I will watch them." Before the warden was able to get back on his horse, I cast Hold Person on him and ask the other warden specifically to whom he is hunting in town. "Dragon Warrior" he said. "Why?" I asked. "Murderer", he responded. The other warden was able to shrug off the spell and the two of them left down the street, but not before stopping to talk to the man standing in the middle of it. I turn to Tycone and in simple terms tell him to go run and hide now.
If they stopped to talk to this person, only seems right I followup and speak with him as well. As I approach the man he says to me "You seem to upset the wardens." "I did no such thing, I was curious as to whom they claim to be a murderer in this town," I replied. "But you bewitched the warden?" Yes I did, I knew not if they were to attack me, I defended myself, no harm has befallen either of them," I said with conviction. Another person comes over speak with this man, then turns his attention back to me. "There have been reports of six people raiding and trespassing barns this morning in Pearford," the man continued. "I know not of which you speak of, sounds like teenagers that have had too much to drink. That being said, if you're receiving reports you must be someone of some importance in this town. Might I have your name?" "Indeed, my name is Griffin, and though I wear many hats, among them is peacekeeper of the hamlet of Pearford," says Griffin. "Well then, would you care to further this conversation with a drink?" "Yes, let us walk to the tavern," he said.
We walk up to the tavern and another person outside opens the door for us. I head over to where I was sitting looking to finish the drink I started. Griffin asks if I'm dining alone. "No I replied, I am here with my familiar companion Raven and this is Hellah, Malor, & Sodryn." "Is that all?" he asked curiously. "It seems that way," I replied. "Hey Roni, what's up with the extra drinks on the table?" Roni, "Yeah they just left out the back door a few minutes ago." Griffin turns back to me and asks if I care to restate my story. Malor interjects and begins to tell Griffin what we have discovered regarding the wardens and Baxter.
After catching him up and attempting to have Griffin accept the truth from our perspective, Malor tells Griffin about the goblins as well. Griffin then replied a familiar phrase: "We saw some goblins just the other day sneaking around the barn, we made some noise and scared them off. Some stuff has been missing of late it must be them." Then Roni mentioned the phrase, then Nox and others followed. This went on for a few minutes as Malor attempted to describe that Griffin, as well as the rest of the town has fallen under an enchantment. At this point Griffin gave us two options. Either we were on our own with the wardens, or we could be placed under house arrest, which would put us under his protection. House arrest it is. Carilius "messages" me if it is safe to return. I replied "Run and hide, run and hide."

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  1. Skrack & Stadard
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  2. Tristan
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  3. Garrett & Company
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  4. Skrack & Spiders
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  5. Tavern Time
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  6. Trandarc
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  7. The Bells of Pearford
    18th of Kalt 116
  8. Raven
    19th of Kalt 116
  9. Griffin
    19th of Kalt 116
  10. Hellah Investigates
  11. Lizardmen & Hopelessness
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  12. The Graveyard of Pine Grove
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  13. Beyond the Grave
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