Skrack & Spiders by Sypha | World Anvil

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15th of Kalt 116

Skrack & Spiders

by Sypha Selenes

After the street squabble and politics we somehow managed to get the piss-ant of a young Skaven to Qhreetch, the Skaven archer. Matters were discussed upon returning them to their kin. We made our way over to Baxter at the temple of Shallya for some quick healing before we departed, though we seemed to have lost Sodyrin & Malor in the temple. On our way to meet Skrack, Carilius told us of his adventure to Pearford. Carilius learned about the hunters that had attacked the Skaven on the road, he healed some as best he could including Skrack. He also heard about goblins that lived nearby, however, the goblins seemingly keep to themselves and don't attack the village. I asked him about the phrase we heard at Deep Bank, but it didn't seem the people at Pearford were under any enchantment. He did mention the cook at the Undermill tavern there was an Orc that made good food. Lastly, he said there were a significant amount of ravens that were acting peculiar in the town, like nothing he had ever seen.
When we reached the campsite, there were dead Skaven bodies laying around that had been ravaged. Birds and other scavengers had been eating at them, possibly some wolves as well. Skrack and the others were missing. Hellah was able to find a blood trail and some tracks that led us to a crevasse upon the mountain side. Upon entering the cave we noticed there were spiderwebs up above and around the area. We came across some cocoons that were suspended and noticed one slightly moving. As we stepped closer, that's when we were attacked from above by spiders.
That was a frightful skirmish as Tycone went down paralyzed for half of it. When it was all said and done, I cast Mage Hand and used it with my knife to cut down all the cocoons. We found Skrack and the other two Skavens, a dead orc, a really dead gnoll, a black bear which we put out of its misery, and a sac of baby spiders which we lit on fire. With most everyone recovering from being paralyzed we took a short rest while they regained some mobility. During this time Carilius thought it would be amusing to try and create a fire out of freshly cut greens from outside the cave. Then in another spectacular fashion tried to show a bonfire display using his sorcerer skills. It was highly amusing. We set out to get the cart near the Skaven campsite only to hear more noises. Hellah went to investigate and found 6 wolves and a rather large white wolf. It was at this point we decided to make due with the cave and get a good night's rest.
The next morning we headed back to the cart so we could make our way back to town. Again we were met by the rather large white wolf. Hellah was able to briefly talk to the wolf. It's name is Tooth. I'm still not sure as to how this wolf speaks outside of it being under a spell or being a druid, but it demanded we feed it or we wouldn't get the cart. I'm not entirely sure why we needed the cart, but Carilius wanting to help the Skaven, volunteered to go back to the cave to get some of the bear remains to feed the wolf. This gave me time to cast Comprehend Languages and finally question Skrack about Trandarc. This is what Skrack said...
Large, old, tusked, snarly, pale skinned creature. Seemingly unnaturally pale. (Sounded like a large white orc or possibly even an ogre)
Lives towards the South of Deep Bank (He comes and goes from that direction)
Ravens flock around him and preempt his arrival and leave shortly after his departure (Sounds similar to what Carilius witnessed in Pearford)
Raven on his shoulder seems unnatural as well, hollow eyes, molten feathers, doesn't eat - (undead?)
Skrack said he used to know a pirate not long ago that kept a parrot, wonders if that is now Trandarc. Said he also pays handsomely for dead bodies, the fresher the better and preferred goblins at that. Qhreetch also mentioned that he is not someone to face in the dark, that he was quite formidable. After Qhreetch spoke, Carilius arrived back with the bear meat and Hellah continued "talking" with the white wolf. Shortly after we had a cart and were back on our way to Pine Grove. Along the way we stop at the old Skaven cave to bid farewell. The young Skaven went into the cave first and triggered another massive cave-in, most likely set from the hunters we met in town. Fortunately he was alright and there was still barely enough room for the rest of them to squeeze through to get back inside. We got back to Pine Grove and settled at the Dead Raven where we found Sodyrin, Malor, & Tristan. It was (2:30pm), almost Asca, which was about 12 hours before we needed to be at the exchange site to see Trandarc. It was now time to exchange stories and plan for tonight's meeting.

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  1. Skrack & Stadard
    10th of Kalt 116
  2. Tristan
    11th of Kalt 116
  3. Garrett & Company
    14th of Kalt 116
  4. Skrack & Spiders
    15th of Kalt 116
  5. Tavern Time
    16th of Kalt 116
  6. Trandarc
    16th of Kalt 116
  7. The Bells of Pearford
    18th of Kalt 116
  8. Raven
    19th of Kalt 116
  9. Griffin
    19th of Kalt 116
  10. Hellah Investigates
  11. Lizardmen & Hopelessness
    20th of Kalt 116
  12. The Graveyard of Pine Grove
    8th of Kalt 116
  13. Beyond the Grave
    9th of Kalt 116