Hellah Investigates by Sypha | World Anvil

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Sun 22nd Sep 2019 07:31

Hellah Investigates

by Sypha Selenes

Still feeling apathetic, I went along with the party and submitted to house arrest under Griffin. Hellah seemed a little restless and wanting to know more about what was going on here before catching up on some much needed sleep. I asked her if she was going to sneak out, but she didn't want to risk getting caught while under house arrest. I can help with that I told her, but you can only run around for about an hour or so. "How's that?" Hellah asked. I told her I could make her invisible to the naked eye. I cast Invisibility on her so she could head out and investigate further into what was going on with the wardens and the town. She was a little confused and uncomfortable at first, but then headed out quietly to see what she could discover.
While Hellah was out, I was lost in thought about coming into contact with Morr. What was so important about this artifact? What happened five years ago towards the end of the war? Stadard was there, he lost a friend to the green skinned orc horde. How could a deity such as Morr lose sight of an artifact?
I woke later after much needed rest to find Hellah with me again and she had important matters to discuss from her outing with everyone. She didn't find anything in the stables next to the tavern. She saw two wardens coming into town after she went outside. One of the wardens bore antlers on the helm, it must be Garth. She then went back inside the tavern, Griffin was still there talking to Roni. Griffin apparently doesn't like the road wardens either, he doesn't trust them. Then Griffin and Roni spoke of us and our travels. Shortly after Garth walks into the tavern with the other warden demanding Griffin to tell him where the dragon man is located. Griffin told him that he doesn't know and that his friends were under house arrest and under his protection. Garth said the dragon man killed two of his companions and that he would continue to hunt him until found. It was at this time Hellah came back upstairs to us.
Now it was time for dinner. I make sure to cast Comprehend Languages in the room before heading down as to avoid another floor show. Hmmm, good food and drink is always appreciated in the dead of winter. As we are finishing, Hellah offers to assist Nox with the dishes. This goes on for about an hour as we continue some small talk over drinks. Hellah comes back and tells us that Nox gets his meat from the local goblins. The goblins assist the village by keeping the foxes and other animals away from the crops and barns. Also, apparently there is a rather large bear in the mountains that sometimes comes down. Avoid the bear. Hellah further inquired about Baxter and how many wardens are employed. He doesn't know Baxter or how many wardens exist, however says the wardens smell of sulfur to him.
Further discussion continues as Hellah inquires about the Battle of Pearford with Nox. Woggug Skullcrusher lead the orc raid and said to ride a massive bear. He wielded a large sword with a green gemstone that has since been lost from the war. Nevan, the man who won the battle is said to might know its whereabouts, though he lives alone a half mile outside of town since the loss of his wife. His friend Finn Jackman still sees him on occasion for food and supplies, though it is unsure if he would take us to see him. Jasper Foster's barn towards the beginning of town is where the battle was fought. We inquire about speaking to Jasper as well only to learn that is who just passed away and whose grave we came out of from the Shadowfell.
The conversation was interrupted by the sound of a bell, the same we heard before. Malor sees the wardens coming through the window. We go upstairs and through our windows see a phantasmal bell off in the distance. On the second bell rung, a brilliant bright light radiates throughout the hill and fog as if the earth itself was a beacon of light with four ghostly shapes swirling around and dissipating into the fog. We decide to make a break for it and head back downstairs and head out through the kitchen back door. We took notice of the trap Nox left, which was a large bucket of flour hanging over the door. It was amusing and a lighthearted moment as we left in haste. Still feeling apathetic, I cast Invisibility on myself to just hide from anyone and anything, though still keeping up with the others as to not fall behind.
We make our way through town and then over through some fields, only to see a couple glowing balls of light before us. These lights were hovering just above the ground and before we knew what they were, bolts of lightning shot forth from the glowing orbs. A bolt hit me, I felt it course throughout my body as if I were hit by my own powers. My primal instinct of survival kicked in from my training. Raven is providing a much needed distraction as I sent forth a blast over and over again toward the balls of light that were attacking us. The others were attacking too though their efforts seemed less effective against the glowing orbs. After a couple blasts, a glowing orb attacked Raven with a bolt of lightning that struck her in such a manner that she turned to smoke only to transform into an actual raven. I felt as if I had taken some of the brunt from her attack and then struck the last blast against the orb. I fell to the ground as the adrenaline rush left me, feeling hopeless as Raven lands on her drum beside me.

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  7. The Bells of Pearford
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  8. Raven
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  9. Griffin
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  10. Hellah Investigates
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