Journal Entry 5: The Horned King by Tyrion | World Anvil

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Sat 8th Aug 2020 02:41

Journal Entry 5: The Horned King

by Tyrion

Hello again, It's been... a unknown amount of days since my last writing. We've been underground for so long we have no idea what day it is. We just left the graveyard and are now on our way back to Theron's mansion. But that's enough about the now, let's talk about what happened in that graveyard.
We left off with me just chasing down the death guard and the party camped inside the underground passage. We spent some time traveling underground and finding our path. Along the way, we found some amethyst in a wall. Sulvarax molded the rock around the gems and Rilithae took them so she could make her royal jewelry. After that, it only took us a few hours to find the entrance to the graveyard's crypt. This is where we were ambushed by the coven.
Before Theron left, he told me that the coven held the blade of the Holy Avenger. We quickly recovered from the attack and jumped into the fray. In a effort to confuse us, they put down a fog cloud in the entrance so we couldn't find them. I charged through the fog and engaged the bladed hag. She had nails the size and strength of daggers. She unleashed a flurry of slashes that cut through my armor like it was paper. With a few swift strokes, she had brought me to the brink of death. I used my new cloak to transform myself into a hellhound. My hands turned to paws and my mouth began to burn. After it was over, I felt like I could take on the world. I bit into her throat and burned her chest. After a few more trades of blows, she was defeated. I reverted back to myself and took in the field. Artemis black had been banished and Fortuna Cane was dead, arrows sticking in every which way from her torso. We organized ourselves and waited for her to return. Once she came back through, we immediately set upon her with a flurry of blows and slayed her where she stood.
We took some time to heal and look around for information and gear. After some time,we were able to find the blade and find out that the key the necromancer we killed had opened the door to the Horned King's Chamber. Sulvarax used clairvoyance to see into the other chamber and saw The king and a small army of skeletons inside. We decided we couldn't stop them all on our own, so we set a trap. Rilithae used disguise self to appear as one of the coven. We laid ourselves around the room, fainting death. She then used the key to open the door and call the horned king inside to help clear the bodies of the other coven. Sadly, the plan did not work. We managed to get the death guards inside before Rilithae closed the door and locked them inside. We all rose from the floor and swiftly ended the guards. We knew the king had saw through our roose and was sending all of his forces at the door. We prepared ourselves and opened the door. When I opened that door, the only thing I could compare to that room to is hell. Skeletons were running around everywhere, all trying to burst through and kill us. Green fog flowed from out of the cauldron in which The Horned King summoned his hordes. I was not frightened, we had dealt with this before and we could do it again. Me and sulvarax held the line while Rilithae and uzu bombarded the King with arrows and fire. We didn't give them a inch. But the king was not idle, he cast his own spells and forced us to retreat and recuperate behind the metal door. After some healing and preparation, I opened the door and cleaved the skeletons on the front lines in two and gave Sulvarax a breach to charge through. He quickly ran through the hordes and turned them all with his holy magic. Rilithae and uzu followed him into the breach and shot the king while he ran. As the king fell, so did his army.
We organized ourselves and traveled upwards into the upper levels. It is there we found quite the oddity. We found a skeleton who believed himself to be a paladin of times past. His name was Sir Cain. We allowed him to accompany us through the upper floors. That's where we found another necromancer. She was different from the others, she was sadistic not calm. She had zombies bound and was experimenting on them. Me and Sir Cain charged forward into the fray. We cleaved through their lines, hacking and slashing at their rotting flesh. We were making good headway when tragedy struck. Sulvarax guiding bolt miss-fired after he was struck and hit Sir Cain. He was vaporized on the spot from the holy energy. Filled with wrath at the sight, I charged through the lines and cleaving through the necromancer's armor. once it was broken, Uzu launched a fireball into the room and killed everything inside. With the battle over, I walked over and said a prayer for the paladin, praying for him to finally pass on to the celestial plane.
We continued our advance up the crypt. After another flight of stairs, we reached the ground level of the crypt. We decided we should clear the entire structure. we checked the upstairs room only to find a boy. He was the relative the the necromancer we fought on our way upstairs. he had been corrupted into believing that the work they did here was for the benefit of the living. he didn't know that they were producing the armies that slaughtered the people of Weshaven. I told him of the true purpose behind this facility, how they lied to him. At first he didn't believe me, then he put all the points together and he cried. We told him to come with us, we could get him to a safe place where he can continue his studies if he wished. After that, we left the graveyard. We walked in awe at the biles of bones that littered the area.
And with that, You now know what lurked under the graveyard. And you can rest easy knowing that the undead hordes have lost their main source. Till our next heroic exploit.