Journal Entry 4: The Haunted Mines by Tyrion | World Anvil

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Tue 4th Aug 2020 05:14

Journal Entry 4: The Haunted Mines

by Tyrion

So.. with the existence of this journal means that we survived the mines. But I assume that you don't really care about that. You care about the our heroic exploits we did in order to survive. So I will give you what you want, with another tale of great peril and victory.
Before we made it to the mines, 2 things happened along the way. The first is that theron left us due to Rilithae's trust issues. The 2nd and worst by far is that we saw Weshaven burning to the ground. Sulvarax tried to contact someone from town and was unable to. Me and the others fear the worst and believe we are among the last surviving beings in this area. With that somber thought in our heads, we kept moving to the mines.
We arrived at the the old mines under the cover of the storms. We left our wagon about 3 miles back and had snuck up on the mines on foot. We managed to get within 100ft of the entrance without being noticed. We saw that the entrance was being guarded by a small force of skeletons and a necromancer. We sprung into action with a flurry of spells and me charging in the fray. We quickly dealt with the skeletons and realized that the necromancer was just a skeleton dressed like one. We let Rilithae scout ahead of us since she was the sneakiest of us. She then came back and told us that she found a ghost up ahead. We followed and tried to start a conversation with it, which worked for a time. We managed to find out his name and what he was doing here before he succumbed to his madness and attacked us. We defeated him and I said a prayer to send him to the afterlife. He was afraid that everyone would forget him, so I write his name now so that he will never be. Aaron Rodgers.
We found some gear in the mines and kept moving forward until we were stopped by Rilithae. She said that the necromancer was talking to a undead, telling him to run and alert the others. We knew we stood no chance against all of skeletons inside the graveyard. We quickly charged forward to intercept the messenger to only run into the necromancer, blocking our way. It took me a moment to realize that the boulder he was standing next to wasn't a boulder, rather a massive ball of bones he had gathered from the miners here. It also took me another moment to see that he actual talking to a wight, not the death guard. He quickly summoned forth a dozen of miners to stop us. Uzu came prepared and immediately got rid of them with a tidal wave. I charged through the remains on chad and smited the wight who moved into my way. After seeing his wight destroyed, the necromancer tried to murder us with one of their most favorite spells, cloudkill. I survived, but chad didn't. He returned to his plane while I charged through and slammed into the necromancer. I quickly put a end to him with a my sword and smites. After which we gave chase to the death guard.
For an undead, this one was fast. Unfortunately for it, I was faster. We clashed blades as we ran, trying to outpace the other. It with it's cold steel and me with my divine power. Rilithae was just able to keep and take shots at him from behind. Eventually, I managed to get ahead of it and block the path. He fell quickly after that. I rested as I waited for the others to catch up, faint after that marathon I ran in platemail.
I'm writing this journal from inside those very cave walls. We have not yet found the source, but have found a path leading to it. I will write again after we defeat The Horned King.