Session 12 - It's Bat Country! by Locke | World Anvil

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Mon 14th Oct 2019 07:00

Session 12 - It's Bat Country!

by Locke

We head back into the ruined expanse. On the path ahead, Gwyn notices a giant snake on the road in front of us. It's a Patchwork Crawler, a serpent composed of the sewn-together skins of its past victims. We don't care to fight it though, so we just move forward.
We come to the edge of a 150' diameter, 40' deep crater. Within that crater is a house. The crater is covered with holes, clearly dug by people. It's ramshackle, kind of a shack. We decide to observe for a bit.
There are people digging in the place. These are thoughtforms, and are pulling "some weird material" out of the ground. It's a rock, slightly different than the surrounding material.
We wander down to the house. Simone knocks. Martin of Redwall opens the door. Simone introduces us as people for the Coalition for the Liberation of Ivum Takers. She hippies it up and talks us in.
The rooms are filled with all sorts of useless stuff. The front room is filled with doll heads, lightbulbs, and soup cans. The mouse goes to get us ivum. Locke burns his invisibility ephemera, and follows the mouse through that door.
The door goes into a totally messed up kitchen. I go back, and let the ephemera die.
Simone and Fyn go through the other door. They do some stuff in there. A big angry flame-haired guy comes out. I follow him out the door. The guy goes "Oh, it WAS Mitterand."
Mitterand is aggressive and annoying. I try to talk him down. He chills for a moment. (+1 joy for GM shift to make my de-escalation attempt work.) I turn around and call Gwyn out, to help explain what the Prince of Forms sent us here for.
Gwyn comes out and chews these guys out. It gets stressful for a moment; the redhead guy runs in, yelling about his son. There's some kind of clash inside, and the redhead guy casts some spells. He creates a pit, which Simone and Steven fall into.
Gwyn decides it's on. I cast Kaleidoscope Void and utterly consume Mitterand and one of the vugs. Palintalinosh (the redhead) is saved by a voice from above. The flux of my spell slams and locks the door, with everyone but me and the vugs inside.
On the next turn, I teleport inside with witchstep. Seeing that Palintalinosh is stabbing Simone with a fiery spear inside the pit, I leap into the hole, blocking Palintalinosh from continuing to attack her.
And then, Palintalinosh drops, the ghost leaving his body. Fynlan asks it a ton of questions, learning a lot of things bout her former life. He has his spirits destroy the ghost.
Everything wraps up quickly. We heal Palintalinosh and his buddy the mouse Martin, who got torn up by Gwyn's dog. Everything wraps up neatly.
Everyone gets +3 acumen for completing this story. I get +1 despair for the first person I knowingly and willingly murdered. We also do the climax and resolution for finishing the mystery arc.