Session 2 - Into the World by Locke | World Anvil

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Sun 30th Sep 2018 08:58

Session 2 - Into the World

by Locke


Sooth Cards

  • Hidden Moon
  • Inevitable Cataclysm
  • Crowded Tomb
  • Swan
  • Monarch
  • Enveloping Darkness
  • Banished Serpent
  • Messiah
  • Doctor


The Story So Far

One month has passed. Not much has changed. Within a few days, there are idiots guarding the spot of the hate cyst. Dangling threads: 1) The Hate Cyst 2) Alex 3) Simon has squatters 4) Locke might want to follow up on Heironymous and his Nine Princes.
The information that Locke and Gwyn collected on the Suffering Engine is 1) kill everyone from it or 2) re-flesh-shape people out of it or 3) defeat spells of the enemy at level 14. We have no evidence that freeing them actually will let them out.
Locke made his spell work!
New Discovery - The Moon Rewards Those Who Discover Its Secrets, +1 joy!
Step: Trial and Error - COMPLETE +1 acumen
Step: Climax - Eureka! - COMPLETE +3 acumen, +1 joy!
Step: Resolution - +1 acumen
Gwyn ran into Locke and Heironymous in the Angel, and made arrangements to meet the Blood Prince. They wanted to get some materials necessary to unmake the Suffering Engine.
Fynlan and Simone got a lawyer for their house problems.
We all got a letter of introduction to the Blood Prince from Heironymous, then went to the neighborhood they live in, which is the Palindrome. We encountered a protest on the way there (in the Brickhouse District), and all of the people protesting were Lacuna. Their sign says, "We just want to be treated fairly." Their flyer has a list of grievances 1) Lacuna have a hard time getting permission to open a business 2) They were exploited during the War. 3) They were promised equal stake and representation. 4) They have a union hall, and we can stop by to learn more.
Palindrome district is Locke's jam, full of museums and stuff. There is a park here with Pyramids of Glass that are about the size of the Louvre. Each one of them contains a tree from a different world. Each of those worlds is an extinct half-world. Most of the pyramids have been destroyed, and their wreckage has been cleaned up. Under each tree there's a small bronze plaque which explains the tree and its provenance.
The Blood Prince's place of public business is a converted Baroque church. There's a lot of iconography of the Legacy. Blood Prince was just sitting in his throne. We spoke with them and they said, "Oooh, pants are *always* optional here." Blood Prince made a deal with Gwyn; Blood Prince will deal with the problem, and Gwyn will owe him a favor.
I cast Decode the Sefirot on the Blood Prince with his permission.
Things went well with the Blood Prince, and then we left.
On the walk home, Locke detected that Gwyn had a magical effect on him. Locke poked at the spell until he figured out a little about it (which is that it wishes to spread) but now it is aware of him.
Locke suggested a plan that we look up other Vislae who have come back after the end of the War, so we can find out 1) what they have learned since 2) what problems they've had since 3) what challenges they still face.
On arrival home, Locke found evidence that something or someone-- maybe a small animal-- had been in his place.
Locke used divination to determine that the Blood Prince is truly a vislae, in in response caught The New Plague.

Emotional Summary

After seeing release for the victims of the Suffering Engine, I have finally been able to start processing my feelings about everything... about the War, about my flight to the Grey, about coming back, about there being no legitimate authority in Satyrine. My deep despair over that situation has sort of merged with his relief that the Blood Prince is 1) not apparently a horrible monster and 2) capable of dealing with situations like this, and has left me with the feeling that, maybe, we Vislae may be able to build a new structure for our society, one not as flawed as we have always known.
I am extremely worried about Simone, because I don't think that she's dealing with her House problems properly. I can't help but feeling that a Vislae's House-- maybe ANY person's house or home-- is an extension of their nature in a tangible way. Seeing her foundation so undermined is...
Well, looking around, maybe I should do something about my own House before I criticize a friend for avoiding the problems with theirs. If I hadn't let myself be so distracted from my physical surroundings, maybe I could have done something to actually help... like I could have offered to let her stay here for a while, or something.
Since completion of Decode the Sefirot, I've been surprisingly jittery. IT WORKS. What's more, it works and it represents a way to capture momentary truths for later analysis. I'm thinking of publishing it.

Gains for Session

+1 Crux for leaving the Prologue, +1 Acumen for meeting the Blood Prince. +1 Despair for for the world having no political structure that is valid in any way whatsoever. +4 acumen and 1 joy for completion of New Discovery. +1 joy for making a new spell as an Apostate. +1 (fluxed) Wicked Key, +1 The New Plague.