Swole horses and mephits Report

General Summary

The town of Darknook is graced with further visitors later in the day as new observers for the election roll into town, including a mysterious Hand of the Order of the Star Leaf and a mid-level functionary of the Barony of Deehill and his escort. The town is filling up in anticipation of the election even though the Deehill Goat Fair is but days away.
Marble notices that the Hand's horse is a little worse for wear and when Mehmen Ashid speaks with animals he discovers:  

  1. The Hand and her horse were attacked by spiders travelling through the Llangoed Forest 
  2. The warhorse from Deehill wants nothing more than supplements to help prevent exercise-induced lactic acid build-up
  3. Bellerophon, Sir Vejapho Klokisks horse, has composed at least one piece of poetry
Our heroes make plans to deal with the problem at Burga's Anvil, plans that involve many wet sacks and a Feed Bag of holding filled to the brim with water.
Unfortunately, those plans go out the window as a small swarm of mephits emerge from the forge during the evening. Thanks to a couple of Thunderwaves from Thomas Marchant our heroes make reasonably short work of the mephits (apart from one that flees back into the forge) and, for their troubles, are awarded a 50% discount on next purchases as well as an odd vibrating suit of mail.   As the heroes drift off to sleep Bali   again makes his presence felt, although this time he may have picked on the wrong goblin to taunt in the night...

Rewards Granted

Suit of Caffeinated Mail

Missions/Quests Completed

Mephits troubling Melvawen are defeated

The Five Fingers of Dorwine

Mehmen Ashid

Neutral Half elf ()
Druid 2
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
24 Oct 2020
Primary Location

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