Add a 'related species' drop down box to the Technology template | World Anvil

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Add a 'related species' drop down box to the Technology template

New Feature Addition · Articles & templates · Created by UnknownWriter88

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

I've noticed that when creating a particular technology Innovention for my worlds that there is no way to link a specific species to that technology. Making difficult when there are multiple non-human races in your world, sci-fi, or fantasy.  

How does this feature request address the current situation?

If this feature is accepted, it would add a related species dropdown box for created technologies people make in their worlds.

The Team's Response

This suggestion received very little support during the period of its voting.   Due to this being a minor feature I deem the number of votes adequate for it to be actioned.
Current score

79/300 Votes · +7440 points

Votes Cast