Move "DISBANDED/DISSOLVED" box on Organizations to the sidebar container to match behavior of "RUINED STRUCTURE" box on Buildings | World Anvil

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Move "DISBANDED/DISSOLVED" box on Organizations to the sidebar container to match behavior of "RUINED STRUCTURE" box on Buildings

Feature Upgrade · Articles & templates · Created by Vazdimet
Template -Organization -Sidebar

What functionality is missing? What is unsatisfying with the current situation?

Currently the "DISBANDED/DISSOLVED" box on Organizations appears on the very top of the sidebar, above everything except the global tip sidebar announcement field. This means the box is separated from the dates when the organization was active, with potentially a logo and organization slogan in between, not to mention the sidebar container border itself and a space that appears above the dates if you add a dissolution date.  
  You can see it in my article here:
Space Research, Expansion, and Learning
Organization | Apr 15, 2023

SREL existed for a mere quarter century, but lay the foundation for the modern day Sparnell Confederation.

  For buildings, the "RUINED STRUCTURE" box appears immediately above the date, which is more intuitive. I have an example here:
Golding Library
Building / Landmark | Dec 30, 2023

The fall of the Golding Library marked the end of The War for Enlightenment and age of Fillimet, ushering in a new Era of Magic and technological advances as the victors combed through its once-forbidden secrets.

  I had originally believed the behavior of the box on Organizations to be a bug, but was told this was actually a feature request to make the behaviors match, so here I am begging for your votes!  

How does this feature request address the current situation?

I wish to move the "DISBANDED/DISSOLVED" box on Organizations into the empty spot above the dates in the sidebar container, to better match the Building template.
  Keeping the applicable dates near the status feels cleaner and more intuitive. Plus this would eliminate the empty gap above the dates, and provide a more uniform look across templates.   Here is how Buildings show this information:

What are other uses for this feature request?

As this request is very small in scope, I cannot see any other use for it, but perhaps people will have other ideas in the comments.   Thank you for reading!

Follow up

Updates to show the base theme rather than my custom CSS in examples! (Thanks Oneriwien for your suggestion and help with this.)   So this is how a ruined building looks:
  Ruined settlements are similar, but without the box around them:
  Either of these would make sense, having the status next to the date ("Yesterday," in these images).   Currently buildings appear above all the sidebar panels, in addition to bring above the logo and motto. (Also unlike the others, it requires you to fill in the text box about disbandment, rather than the date of dissolution. I can see the reason for this and I'm not requesting it changed, but I did want to mention that in case anyone else is trying to test this in their world, to save you some time).
  Lyraine also mentioned the Extinct box for species. This is how and where that appears, by default. I would not object to that being moved to the top of the sidebar container, too, in order to provide a more uniformed way of handling the status boxes across templates.
  That said, my main concern is organizations since the status box is separated from the dates by a lot of useful boxes (logo, motto, sidebar:top, sidebar: content panel top), whereas Extinct will always sit directly above that sidebar regardless of what else is added to other fields, and doesn't have corresponding dates unless the user adds them.

The Team's Response

Accepted—thanks for the suggestion!
Current score

75/300 Votes · +16608 points

Votes Cast