Guardian Trainee Rank/Title in Zylar | World Anvil
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Guardian Trainee

The lowest rank of the Guardians the the starting place for all new applicants into the Guardians.


There are no special qualifications for this rank.


A person joining the guardians must renounce all past loyalties.


To learn about the guardians, their purpose, function and the skills needed to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of full fledged guardians.


Attend assigned classes, completing assignments issued to them by their instructors and completing tasks and duties as assigned by their instructors.


Training in a wide variety of advanced skills. General nessesities of life a provided at no cost. Clothing, Food and Shelter are all provided for by the organization. Housed within the dorms of the Guardian Training Academy.
Civic, Military, Generic
Equates to
Length of Term
Minimum Two Years
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