Temple of Firnon Building / Landmark in Zylar | World Anvil
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Temple of Firnon

[jstify]Firnon is the temple dedicated to the element of fire. This temple is located within the bowl of an active volcano surrounded by lakes of lava. It features a red and brown color scheme. The temple is surrounded by 8 secondary towering structures along the perimeter of the volcano bowl, each with a wide stone bridge spanning the distance over the lava lake to the main temple floating in the middle. The southern tower doubles as the main entrance for the whole facility. This temple is not open to the general public and few people outside of the guardians have any idea where the temple is. This temple acts as the main training location for the Guardians.

Purpose / Function

This temple represents the fundamental element of fire and one of the major magical pillars of the world acting as part of the regulating system for the world.   This temple also acts as the training center and records archive for the Guardians.
Alternative Names
Temple of Fire, Training Center of the Guardians
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization