Kivosian Civil War Military Conflict in Zosoa | World Anvil
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Kivosian Civil War

A conflict that would greatly alter the map of the Nexus, the Kivosian Civil War began due to a conflict that some scholars argue could have been prevented with a simple law. During the Advisory Council's vote to determine who would rule in place of the recently deceased empress, the votes were evenly split between her son, Ahmad ibn Zakiyya al-Jeyari, and the ambitious noble Jamal ibn Shakir al-Nesari. Jamal argued that he should win because his opponent had only gotten so far thanks to nepotism, while Ahmad attempted to leverage his family's prestige, countering that his royal birth meant he was properly raised to rule. A second vote was scheduled, but the two would-be emperors had already begun to gather armies to eliminate the other, and war broke out at the First Battle of Jeynta before it could be held. Ahmad won and secured the city, but it was a pyrrhic victory.   As the fighting intensified, the outlying provinces became more independent with the emperors focusing more on each other. About a year after the war began, the provinces east of Saydrol and the Imor Mountains seceded, and soon afterwards they united as Morund to protect against retaliation. Such retaliation occurred, but the Empire was too preoccupied with the dispute to successfully reclaim the land. Another year passed, and the ambitious Qista noble family gathered many allies in the Durayan provinces. The Qistans took over Ziphriad, the holy city of Idali, and proclaimed it the capital of their new empire. Having less geographical protection than young Morund, the Qista Empire struggled to fend off loyalist attacks until a revolt began in the nearby Galay province as well. The province of Kutann also tried to break away.   With the Empire broken into pieces, it seemed as if the situation could not get any more chaotic. This was quickly proven wrong when, four years after the conflict began, several loosely connected rebel groups began to wage war against both emperors. They fought for a variety of reasons, but the damage done by fighting over the throne, the continued use of slavery, and general inequality between social classes were major factors.   Having its own enemies and unrest at the time, the Tarimic Empire did not take advantage of the weakness of their rival. Seven and a half years after the election debacle, Great Kivosia's other enemy did, and the Ufra Empire started attacking from the southeast. Realizing that continuing would lead to a broken empire not worthy of ruling, Jamal decided to surrender to end the war.

The Conflict


The civil war was fought over vast stretches of land, from what is now Qista in the west to modern-day Morund in the east. Even the capital city of Jeynta was not safe from the fighting, and it took years for it to recover from the damage done.


Now the legitimate emperor, Ahmad ordered his enemy's execution, but Jamal escaped and remains at large today. Some of the warriors who fought for al-Nesari pledged allegiance to the emperor, and the rest were punished or began rebel movements of their own. Ahmad decided that the Advisory Council's power was too great and condemned them for their indecision. The organization was abolished, and a new law ruled that the reigning monarch would choose their heir ahead of time.


After the end of the war, slavery was outlawed, and soon multiple other realms in the Nexus began to follow suit. Over the next four years, Kutann and Galay were reconquered, and the rebel armies were scattered or destroyed, though some of their demands were followed to prevent further conflict. Morund and Qista remain independent to this day, but only the former has made peace treaties with their former rulers. The latter is now a third major rival to Great Kivosia, and nearly took over the province of Galay two decades ago. It also has warred with the Tarimic Empire, and the naval clashes between the two have been especially brutal.   Though they are much weaker and lack sizable armies, the rebel factions have not died out entirely, and some continue to actively battle the Empire with guerilla tactics or assassination, while others lie in wait as they consolidate their power, and still others willingly become proxy warriors for Qista, Tarim, or Ufra.   The war also weakened the reputation of Great Kivosia, though the current Empress has made efforts to repair it. The military is now spread thin, having to defend against possible invasion from three directions as well as insurgents from within. This leaves less people to deal with banditry, other crimes, dangerous monsters, and extraplanar threats from the Center, leading to increasing reliance on mercenaries.

Historical Significance

In Literature

Many poems have been written about the civil war, though most exaggerate or alter the truth to emphasize someone's heroic actions, demonize one of the sides involved, or simplify for readers.
Conflict Type
Start Date
144 KY (5167 HC)
Ending Date
152 KY (5175 HC)
Conflict Result
Ahmad ibn Zakiyya al-Jeyari becomes the Emperor of Great Kivosia, taking on the honorific Al-Rahim.

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Ahmad's Faction

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Secure the imperial throne of Great Kivosia for Ahmad al-Jeyari
Jamal's Faction

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Secure the imperial throne of Great Kivosia for Jamal al-Nesari

Led by




Form a new, independent emirate from the eastern provinces of the Great Kivosian Empire.
Qista Empire

Led by




Create a new empire to replace Great Kivosia, led by the Qista Dynasty.

Led by




Create a new emirate from the Galay province of the Great Kivosian Empire.

Led by




Create a new emirate from the Kutann Province of the Great Kivosian Empire.
Kivosian Rebels

Led by




Vary somewhat, since they were not totally united, but generally to end tyranny and slavery, and possibly create a new realm where the common folk have more of a say in the decisions that affect them.


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