Swiot Wars Military Conflict in Zodiak | World Anvil
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Swiot Wars


Swiot is a green substance, with the same properties as oil here on earth. But the Odarul never got the chance to find that out. After the first tribe, the Río'amago Tribe, found the substance a Guerriad was spoken out. All the clans answered the call for arms and fought one and other.  

The First Battle

The first battle was between the neighborhood tribes, the Río'amago Tribe and the Lume'nfarado Tribe. The substance was found between them and wanted a claim on it. Soon after, the first Odarul live was taken, the war was official.  

The Last Battle

The last battle was not really a battle but more a form of a ceremony. All the twenty tribes gathered on the highest peak. Which is now the Seat of Oda. Everybody at the same time let their weapons fall to the ground, then turned around and walked back to their own tribe. The rusty weapons are still laying on the ground near the Cham'inmort.  

After the war

The Council of Oda was created, and the place where the Odarul dropped their weapons, was an excellent place to house this council. The twenty members of the council are living at the Seat of Oda. The members are chosen by the Xefeda, most of the current members are chosen because of their special deeds.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date

Cover image: by Canva by Nathaliabooks


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