Comet metal crowns
Manufacturing process
Materials & Components
The crowns are made with Comet Metal, which is gathered from the comets that fall from the sky during the Comet shower. There are also colored quartz to decorate the crowns, Morning has red quartz Afternoon has yellow quartz Night has black quartzTooling
The crowns were made in a smithy with all the tools they had.Process
The metal needed to be heated to above 600 degrees Celsius, so that it melts. Then it was poured into premade molts, the gems were added later.History
This all began when some idiot started to chop off the chunks of comet and started to melt them down, without a second thought about the radiation. Which was in the year 2010.
After a period of time the smiths changed the metal, in small pieces of jewelry. And the rumor started that the jewelry enhanced the magic of the Witches. Which contributed to the decision to forbid large pieces of jewelry.
In 2020, ten years after the fact, the three crowns were made to show some appreciation for the Three Witches and mark them as official rulers, which they already were, but that is not the case.
Silver Storm, was the first of the Three witches to receive her crown. The Witches of the Morning and Afternoon got theirs in their respective day period.
Historical events linked to the crowns
Comet shower 1000 B.M. till 1000 R.M. Life of Silver Storm- Crowe 1980 R.M. till 2080 R.M. First Gathering Comet Metal 2010 R.W. till 2010 R.W. Making of the crowns 2020 R.W. till 2020 R.W.
Creation Date
Current Location
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
There are only three crowns made, they are only for the Three Witches.
Base Price