Heart of Zepharog Settlement in Zepharog | World Anvil

Heart of Zepharog

Have you seen the Caverns at all since your life time? I mean our people used to rule underneathe these lands and now were here trying to live with the dryskins. This makes no sense.
— Zegnahan Soldier, Ger'lith

Ever since the Heart has been crushed I feel that our people have gone great lengths to control our daemonic nature only fueling it during our combat. But, now since you have invited us to be apart of this Horde wee have no say in our affairs, Chieftain!
— Zegnahan Deathwalker, Hor'vick


The Zegnahans are very stubborn and integrating with common society was a struggle for them so much so that they were no longer able to practice the old ways of life. Most are in the Ghost Wastes and some have been spotted in The Arandal Mountains where their scales have grown colder and have rejected everyone.


The caverns have been broken for some time but when they were active it was a bustling community. Full of laughter and other snarls but the heart of the community was the arena and battlegrounds. Zegnahans are the toughest fighters around. They love combat so much that the leader has the most kills under their belt. Everyone comes to watch Zegnahans fight.


They use what they call "The Veins of Jekkyl" which is a subterranean system of rivers and lakes and streams. This is their supply of freshwater and it is the freshest yet.


The armor and weapons made down there are made with the "Breath of Jekkyl" which is their way of furnaces and magma. They have many different priests, or Deathwalkers, that aid and guide them through spiritual aspects of life and some have invented the Sign Kirotera which can alter the body to what you need, this Sign was created by them and has been guarded for centuries since they have been alive.

November 20th 1960

Founding Date
July 5th 1562
Alternative Name(s)
Abyss, Heart of Zepharog
Underground / Vault
Inhabitant Demonym

Cover image: by LordGalakrond