The Forest of Amma
The Forest of Amma, The Forest of Living Death, got its name as those who live there will be the death of those who enter. Mostly pine trees, the animals are what makes the forest so interesting and unique. FromThose who don't climb fences to when the puppets dance, there are too many dangers in this forest to count.
Even the spirits of the forest are dangerous with their twisted ancient lies and deals which are never fair. Beyond the ancient spirits, river frights will eat your soul, venomous snakes will end your life while some flowers might save you. Flying monkeys hold territories, feeding and praying on small animals, or you if they can take you down.
The forest is often home to heavy rain, cooler climates in the winter, and in the summer, warmth with sudden lighting storms out of nowhere. There are swampy areas throughout with the occasional raised lush clearing. In pine tree heavy areas, thick underbrush often takes over, and if that is not the case and the ground remains clear around the trees, that is usually a sign of it being home to a large intelligent predator that walks it enough to decide to keep it clear. If something in this forest seems convenient, there's a reason and that reason is probably danger.
On a good day, of course, you may be lucky enough to run into one of the ancient angels that still roam these woods. Ali the Heartless takes home here and Jim, the Angel of Hell sometimes passes through. There are very few ancient angels, but all find themselves drawn to the forest of Amma from time to time. Legends say this is because the forest is as ancient and wise as them. The wise assume more realistically. They're looking in a place as ancient as them, a place where their stories unfolded and they lost it all.
Don't let the forest take from you.
Forest, Cloud / Water (Subtropical)