Overworld Travel Rules in Zamzara, The Hollow Earth | World Anvil
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Overworld Travel Rules

  • Each hex in the world is 6 miles from face to face. This size means it is impossible to see outside of the hex you’re in (under most circumstances).

  • The party may travel the slowest party member’s Overland speed number of hexes per day. Mounted characters use their mount’s movement in place of their own. The party uses their Swim speed in the Ocean and their Fly speed in the Sky.

    • The party may travel the same number of hexes per night, if they choose to travel in the dark, but they must account for the increased movement cost.

    • The party can travel at day or night, but Resources can only be consumed when making camp to rest.

    • Travelling on a mount with the Naturewalk Capability reduces the cost of travelling in the corresponding hex by 1 to a minimum of 1, after modifiers. For example, riding a Lapras in the Ocean would reduce the movement cost to 2, while riding Gogoat in the Grasslands and Combing the Area results in a movement cost of 1.
      (1x2 =2, 2-1= 1)
    • If you decide to camp early, you may use any unused movement the next day. You cannot save more than a day's worth of movement at a time.

  • At the beginning of each day and when night falls, the party rolls on the Weather Chart to determine what the weather will be like for the rest of the day (or night).

  • Once per day when taking an Extended Rest, the party consumes X number of resources, where X is the number of PCs and pokemon in the party. A creature’s Size influences how much it consumes - Small creatures consume half a resource, Medium creatures consume 1 resource, Large creatures consume 2 resources, Huge creatures consume 3 resources, and Gigantic creatures consume 4 resources. Pokemon with the Nullivore diet do not count towards this number, but they may have other dietary requirements…

    • Resources can be procured in many ways, but the most typical are foraging and purchasing at a market. There are many opportunities for a creative player to survive in their own way.

    • If the party has paid for commercial lodging in town, they should not need to consume resources. However, if they simply shack up inside a generous farmer's barn, he might not have enough food to spare. Be sensible, but err on the side of generosity.

    • If a party member fails to rest and consume resources, they damage their highest Body Skill rank per day they go without eating. If all Body skills reach 0, that party member starves to death.

  • Party members may split up to explore different hexes, but a hex may only be rolled for a random encounter once per day unless specified otherwise or if using Comb the Area.

  • A roll will be made on the Random Encounter table each hex you enter. These have a range of effects, from stumbling upon an ancient ruin to coming across monsters, finding an excellent vantage point to map from, or even a bounty of food!

  • When you roll an Encounter, roll 1d8 to determine the Encounter's Disposition.

  • The land of Zamzara has changed greatly in the 300 years since the Zamzian Empire's cartographers traveled the land and continues to do so every day. The power of some Monsters can have massive effects on the terrain they inhabit, and many old maps of the empire contain more than a little inaccurate information.

  • Not all hexes are created equal. Some require more movement to cross than others, which may be found in the table below. You must spend at least 1 movement to cross a hex unless you are riding a train or other vehicle.    
    Terrain / Feature Movement cost
    Grassland 1
    Sky 1
    Wetlands 2
    Desert 2
    Forest 2
    The Nashya 2
    Mountain 3
    Ocean 3
    Crossing a River +1
    Travelling at Night +1
    Entering/Exiting the Nashya x2
    Railroad 14 tiles per day

  • Similarly, not all movement options are created equally either. You may limit or accelerate your movement according to the table below. Any hex requires at least 1 movement to cross.
    Movement Option Movement Cost
    (roll twice [THREE TIMES IN THE NASHYA OR AT NIGHT] for random encounters and take “Encounter” if possible)
    x0.5 (round down)
    Cautiously Advance
    (roll twice for random encounters and take “Nothing happens” if possible)
    x1.5 (round up)
    Hunt/Forage for Food
    (gain Resources equal to the highest Survival rank in the party)
    x1.5 (round up)
    Comb the Area
    (roll twice for random encounters and take “Discovery” if possible)
    Survey the Area
    (discover the terrain type of all the hexes around the hex you’re entering, range doubled in Mountain)
    Hunting in The Nashya
    (gain Resources equal to the highest Survival rank in the party; roll twice for random encounters and take “Encounter” if possible)

  • It is possible to become Lost while travelling, usually when rolling a 1 on the Encounter table. If you are Lost, then use the movement cost but do not actually go anywhere. Passing a Survival/Focus test lets you regain your bearings and continue on as normal. Failing a Survival/Focus test lets the GM roll a d6 to determine which direction you travel in. The hex directly North is always 1, and each number progresses clockwise.

  • If you become Lost while camping, then make an Encounter roll - something will try and lead the person on watch away from camp in the night. For comparison, rolling Encounter while camping means something has wandered into your camp.

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Apr 5, 2020 23:23 by Jairo (Ceres) Lugilde Paz

I'm taking some inspiration from here... btw, why do you roll focus to recover from being lost? Wouldn't make more sense to check perception?

Apr 7, 2020 01:44 by The Chronicler

Focus is to remember which way you've been travelling, perception means you just look around and see stuff, which doesn't necessarily help you stop being lost. Thanks , though - what are you using as inspiration?

Apr 7, 2020 09:35 by Jairo (Ceres) Lugilde Paz

The movement options and the rations system - the latter adapted to the mony my players earn

Apr 7, 2020 16:18 by The Chronicler

Do you mean the base cost for a ration is different in your region?

Apr 7, 2020 17:39 by Jairo (Ceres) Lugilde Paz

Excactly. And I'm tweaking the scavenged scrap and the crafting cost so hunting is usefull but not broken. Oh and since was usually using half and quarter rations, I changed how much food a ration is. A medium creature eats 4 rations per day now