The Illusive Count Character in Zakkazana Island | World Anvil

The Illusive Count

Count Tymersy

...the shrewd eyes of a man who knows more than he says, and often sees without being seen.
- Tales of Zakkazana; An Island of Mysteries
by Eummer Quinwer
  Not much is known about the Illusive Count. No one knows from whence the Count Tymersy came, as his last name is as unique as the man himself.   Unlike accounts of The Mysterious Island, few of those who returned from failed attempts to join the Zapassnee Order had so much as laid eyes on the Count. Unsurprisingly rumours of the man abound, and the most reliable sources were in the letters of the aristocracy. The one pencil drawing was found in the diary of the then King of Ospana who had a propensity for art, and had hired the Zapassnee Knights on multiple occasions.   There are theories that the Count is in some way related to The Misseen, but these theories have never been substantiated.
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He / Him
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