The Misseen Character in Zakkazana Island | World Anvil

The Misseen

Who are they?

  No one knows who the Misseen is or what they want, but the evidence of their actions is far reaching and devastating.   Over a millenium ago, the acts of the Misseen tormented the world. spreading lies and chaos, seeking to overthrow governments and seed their own special brand of malevolence.   What little is known can be summarised with the following sentence:  
The Misseen were hell bent on destroying the world, and only the Zapassnee Order were able to stop them.


  Rumours suggested that the Misseen have old money, and certainly whoever was behind this shadowy organisation certainly seemed able to pay people to do their bidding, and bribe their way into some very exclusive places.   It was rumoured that the Misseen was the child of one of the royal or high-born families, and certainly they seemed to have an insiders knowledge on the innerworkings of the elite.


  Of all the people that the Zapassnee Knights faced, the Misseen were the most notorious. They were always two steps ahead and seemed to take great delight on trying to outwit and embarrass the knights.   While the Zapassnee managed to defeat them several times, they were a source of great frustration and didn't allow defeat to hold them down for long.

Their Disappearance

  The Misseen faded into obscurity approximately a thousand years ago. Some say the Misseen was destroyed by the Zapassnee Knights for one final time, others say they destroyed each other and were part of the disappearance of the Zapassnee to begin with.

Coat of Arms

Related Myths
Damn the Misseen

Cover image: by elfspeth via Midjourney


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