The First Zapassnee Myth in Zakkazana Island | World Anvil

The First Zapassnee


It had been a dark year for the people of Navou. The crops had failed and with it trade had fallen far short of what was needed. Their leaders were doing what they could, but it was not enough.    Pirates and ruffians, who had heard about the bad times that had befalled the people of Navou and saw a weak country. People feared for their lives, and some started going missing, others were rumoured dead.    It was then, in the city of Derbrou in Navou, that the first Zapassnee Knights appeared. No one saw them arrive, or knew how they'd got there, but in the middle of Blugrau Square suddenly there they were. They rounded up the pirates and the ruffians, loaded them onto one of the pirates' ships and sailed them out of the city.    The people of Derbrou were shocked and amazed by these mighty knights who rode to their rescue. Word spread, and when the knights appeared in other parts of the country, clearing out the riffraff, they were welcomed with open arms. They were hailed as heroes.    And when these great Zapassnee Knights interrogated the pirates and ruffians, asking them who had told them to target these poor people, they had all given the same answer, "The Misseen".


This story was told far and wide when it was first written. it is one of many stories taught to children across the known world. In more recent years it has somewhat fallen out of popularity, but it is still told in most parts of the world.

Variations & Mutation

Pirates and Ruffians There are several variations of who the "baddies" are in this story. Pirates and ruffians is the most common phrase, but there are others who name people from particular countries or people of particular races. It is unclear which is the original, but pirates and ruffians is the most popular.    Location There are a few lesser known versions of this story which have it taking place in Ospana, and a few others that situate it in Lortem, but the most common location is Navou, and this alligns with the economic timeline of this country more so than the other two.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
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