The Orderly Faith Organization in Yvari | World Anvil
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The Orderly Faith

The Orderly Faith is the organization built by the followers of the White Lady. For many parts of the Council lands, the White Law is the de facto law that is being followed. However, it is not the officially code of law, even though the actual laws do not contradict the White Law in any meaningful way.   For most faithful, order and justice are the core of the Orderly Faith, and to them, respect for the Lady is part of that. However, even the White Law does not mention anything about lack of respect towards the Lady being a transgression. At its core, the faith simply promotes orderly behavior and being just, and that is enough to gain favor with the goddess. Human nature, of course, over time added more rules and pomp that was never intended in the first place.   Farnold, the High Priest of Order, is a good example of that. Small in stature, he uses what he can to make people notice he is an important leader and needs to be heard. Most of his charisma comes from magical means, and it causes him to be very wary around other powerful mages, knowing full well he can't influence them like he does his followers.   He and many others still hold deep-seated grudges against all mages for the toll the Mage Wars extracted from the common folk. Many communities were given up, and much arable land has been taken by the wilderness again when peasants fled into the dark recesses of woods, where barely a path was visible. Others went for places far off the beaten track, where life was before considered too tedious or difficult to carve out a living. To this day, outriders from Hillswatch come across settlements where one or two families cling to a weathered hut, fearful of any traveler approaching and unwilling to believe that times got better.   Even though officially there is no animosity between the Council of Archmages and the Orderly Faith, the tension is an open secret and wins the faith followers that normally don't think much of religion. Especially ironic is the fact the people who secretly still believe that Alden of House Amaranthen was wronged have started flocking to the Orderly Faith. What the church conveniently "forgets" is the fact that even back then, Alden though the church a gaggle of chickens - all talk and pomp but nothing to show for it. Alden was never one to follow any rules that inconvenienced him, so the kowtowing of the church to people of importance benefitted him. Yet, he was always disgusted by how quickly the clergy forgot about their ideals and rules in order to gain his favor.
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