Wandering Woods

The Wandering Woods is a small section of the Phalan Forest, seemingly without destructor's reign, an invasive species of land coral. The Wandering Woods gets its name from the spirits that float through the gaps in this thick slice of rainforest, seemingly trapped in an endless loop.

Many believe the spirits of the Woods scare off the coral. Seismometers have detected activity underground, suggesting the coral hivemind has spread itself under the forest, either unable, or unwilling to, penetrate the surface.


The Wandering Woods is the easternmost portion of the Phalan Forest, the Siltlands to the south, and the Phalani Sea to the north.

Norrab is best known for its swirling sandy seas, treacherous mountain ranges, trenches that cut all through the oceans, and an assortment of other dramatic, dangerous landscapes. Despite this, people have learned to thrive here and find beauty in what life manages to win the fight against the unforgiving environment.
Alternative Name(s)
East Phalan Forest, Creepy Forest, Spirit Woods, Spirit Forest
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
Location under
Inhabiting Species

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Phalan Forest
Geographic Location | Sep 12, 2024

A tropical forest on Norrab. The Phalan Forest contains a horrific coral hivemind, infesting and controlling organisms it comes into contact with.

Cover image: by Mochi


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