
Firecrackers are a species of bird from Osao. They are known to produce loud, booming calls, and are often used in New Year's celebrations.


Firecrackers are medium sized, typically terrestrial passerine, reaching a metre in length in both females and males. The birds weigh approximately a kilogram in males, and 0.8 kg in females, as females are significantly thinner than males. Their plumage is a bright red, with orange and brown stripes along their wings and necks. Their tail feathers are of an extreme size, reaching up to fifty centimetres in length, or half of their entire length.

Firecrackers have large wings that tuck into their bodies, into small crevices along their sides. Their wingspan is about 105 centimetres, and despite having strong wings they do not fly much. They have powerful legs, capable of running at high speeds and kicking with significant force.


Firecrackers are primarily insectivorous, and feed on a range of small insects, seeds, fruits, and rarely eggs of other birds and reptiles. A particularly interesting method of feeding is stomping. Firecrackers will stomp on the ground of the rainforests they inhabit, and while they are doing this they'll start booming. This draws various earthworms and other species to the surface, which they'll feed on.

Firecrackers will also forage for various small stone fruits, nuts, and seeds, which drop from the vast number of tree species in their native environments.

Reproduction & Growth

Eggy Placeholder by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Firecrackers create large tunnel-like nests in bushes. They design a false entrance to the nest at the very top of the bush, while the actual entrance is behind a hidden trapdoor elsewhere. The nest is created with various leaves, branches, moss, pebbles and feathers, among other items gathered from the forest floor.

Firecrackers lay 6 bright red eggs at a time, yet only 3 will hatch. The other three eggs are infertile, and serve as food for the three chicks while the parents are gathering for even more food. During the time the chicks feed on the infertile eggs, the parents will both go out in search for food, swallowing and digesting them, leaving them to sit in a special organ. When the chicks have finished eating the other eggs, the parents will return and spend approximately 6 weeks feeding the babies their stored food until there is none left.

When there is no food left, the chicks must venture out of the nest. They now qualify as adults, and must fend for themselves. This entails avoiding predators, finding a mate, and finding food all on their own. Firecrackers reach sexual maturity at 6 months of age, and they will hopefully lay their first set of eggs at 1 year of age.


Firecrackers are only territorial during nesting season. Parents never stray far from their nest, and when they notice predators approaching they'll begin booming. Booming is the loudest call these birds make, and sounds extremely similar to an explosion. This call is designed to deter predators and to hunt for food, and is extremely effective.

Distribution & Habitat

Firecrackers are native to the Unuth Glitter Forest, where they live scarcely. They are a mostly terrestrial bird, seldom flying due to the density of the rainforest. When they do fly they will fly directly upwards, typically to avoid predators. They are a tropical bird species, and several groups of firecrackers have been introduced to the Epystal Islands, successfully reproducing and forming a small but steady population.

Osao is a rocky planet in the Kurhira System, one of eleven. It is characterised by an entirely tropical climate, with average temperatures (Celsius) in the forties, year round.   Five continents make up the majority of dry land on Osao. These five continents are home to perplexing lifeforms, intriguing peoples, and gorgeous sceneries.

New Year's Celebrations

Osaoan New Year's celebrations are typically very loud, brash and festive. While the celebrations are different around the world, most cultures have these birds involved in their celebrations. They are an intelligent species and can be taught words and phrases, as well as being taught to call on command.

Their booming call is often used in New Year's celebrations to start every new year. Firecrackers are banned as pets, and can only be owned with a license. The license to own a firecracker can only be obtained if the person already has an Exotic Animal's License, which states that the person is competent and is able to take adequate care of a range of species, one of which includes firecrackers.

Scientific Name
Menura ignis
6 - 8 years
Average Height
Average Weight
0.8 - 1kg
Average Length
1 metre

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May 29, 2023 20:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aaaa, loud noises on legs!!   I love the description of their nests.

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