Dr. Arian Salaves Character in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Dr. Arian Salaves

Dr. Arian Salaves, known to many as the "craziest person in the Yonderverse", is a superpowerful woman from planet Griez in the Veiled System. For the last twenty years she has been studying the more unique lifeforms in the Yonderverse, compiling it into several books she intends on releasing throughout her lifetime.

She was born into a world of exploration. The inhabitants of Griez are known to be adventurous, with a lust for venturing into the unknown, for the thrill of discovery. Her first published book, Salaves' Most Terrifying Creatures In The Yonderverse, was published three years ago, and has made a quintillion sales across various galaxies.


Early Life

Born into a family with two other twins, her early childhood was a fight to remain seen by her parents. Unfortunately, between business trips and vacations, Arian was not very well taken care of and was often put into temporary homes, since her parents did not want to bring her or her siblings along.

Eggy Placeholder by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Arian quickly got used to this life of neglect, and she found her escape in the natural world - literally. Every night in whichever children's home she was put in, she would manage to escape and spend several hours basking in the moonlight, surrounding herself with vibrant plants and the occasional skittish animal wandering over to investigate. She has stated on many occasions that her love for life and creatures began around age four, and it only ever grew.

By the time she was ten she was volunteering at local animal shelters; often she was placed on cleaning duties because of her age, but every time new stray logs and matts were brought in, she would be allowed to spend some time with them.

Adult life often begins at around age twenty on Griez. Around this time, Arian managed to gather up enough money from her three part-time jobs to rent out a small cottage in a fairly rural town in Mazara, one of the largest districts on the planet.

She achieved the equivalent of an Earth Doctorate in Biology, specialising in the behavioural aspect of animals.

Superpowerful Calamity

On Arian's 21st birthday, she treated herself to a small vacation to Ria Asuara, a small A-Planet in the Ria System that offered cheap flights and promised outstanding views, even from her hotel. After travelling sixteen hours in a small spacecraft to her destination, her flight path was altered by a freak storm. A nucleonic storm to be exact. These storms are incredibly rare and the last one to have occurred before this was thirteen thousand years ago, so you can imagine Arian was pretty pissed off with her luck.

Eggy Placeholder by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The nucleonic storm tore her spacecraft apart, which had twenty-nine other occupants; all were torn to shreds, except her. Arian was left completely unscathed, floating lifelessly in the inky blackness of space. After being rescued twenty-two minutes later by emergency services, she was brought to a hospital on Greenerth where she was kept under close observation.

Arian was tested for a number of conditions, but all came back negative. It was only when she attempted to step out of her bed and subsequently leaned on the handlebar, crushing it, that the doctors decided to take another look, but this time a scan of her brain and active magical sites. Nucleonic storms have a suggested history of altering the magical fields and sites of people, but there are no confirmed cases as everybody who has ever survived these storms have gone into hiding.

The tests all came back, confirming that her metaphysical body had been altered by the storm, giving her a number of "superpowers". This included increased strength, agility, the ability to breathe in space, psychic linking, among many others.


After taking three years to herself in her small cottage, getting used to her new abilities, Arian finally felt ready to return to society. As expected, the people of her planet heard about what happened, and were ready at Arian's door to ask questions. Thankfully she was willing to answer, and after a week or so the attention died down, much to her relief.

During these three years, Arian spent many an hour wondering what she could offer the world with her shiny new abilities. And then it hit her. Explore. Discover the parts of the Yonderverse people hadn't, report back, and show the whole world what is out there. And that started with Deep Space.

Eggy Placeholder by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Deep Space was a location people weren't entirely sure existed, up until modern day. This supposed sea of nothingness lies beyond even the Edge Of The Yonderverse, and is full of horrifying animals beyond our worst nightmares. So of course, that's where Arian headed first. She heard all those stories about people's spacecrafts shutting down as soon as they entered Deep Space, so she decided to just swim there, on her own, with zero weapons and no backup.

To everybody's surprise that she told about this adventure, she returned a day later. Nobody can work out the speed at which she must have travelled to reach even beyond the Edge of the Yonderverse, but one can only imagine it must have been fast. She told nobody about what actually happened, out of fear that nobody would believe her. Instead, she started writing a book. A book about all of the dangerous creatures in the Yonderverse, and what she saw in Deep Space would become her first entry.

This book became her whole life, and swallowed up and other hobbies she had. Day and night she was travelling around planets, galaxies, nebulas and supernovas, looking for terrifyingly dangerous animals to document. Since she has the ability to psychically link herself with these animals, she is able to calm down even the most rage-filled of creatures.

Burning Red
Short, scruffy black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue, silky skin

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Deep Space
Geographic Location | Apr 14, 2024

The farthest point from the Centre of the Yonderverse. What lies inside may haunt you forever.

Cover image: The Storm That Shifted Time by Mochi


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Jul 9, 2023 19:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love her and I want to read her book.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 9, 2023 19:52 by Mochi

good job I have plans to write it xD

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Consider voting for me in the Worldbuilding Awards!
Jul 10, 2023 06:12

Ok, what does one have to do to get the title of "craziest person in the Yonderverse"? Because that sounds awesome. Also, I too want to read her book.

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jul 10, 2023 09:29 by Mochi

Well, to classify yourself as a crazy person going into Deep Space is a good way to go xD she's the only person to have ever explored Deep Space, several times, and returned perfectly fine, which is how she got that little title :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Consider voting for me in the Worldbuilding Awards!
Jul 10, 2023 18:58

Oh is that all? <<

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jul 10, 2023 19:03 by Mochi

Yes, but if you've read the Deep Space article you'll know most people won't survive the trip D:

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Consider voting for me in the Worldbuilding Awards!
Aug 1, 2023 11:52

And then there are those people that say "She NEVER went there! One day there and back again! She must be lying! Everything she wrote about Deep Space is made up!"
That is the problem, when nobody can verify your findings.
But as long as enought people buy the books to fund the next expidition, everythings fin I guess ^^

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  • Aug 1, 2023 16:16 by Mochi

    Oh believe me, there are a TON of conspiracists in the Yonderverse that believe everything she says is fake. But most people know that there are some truly ridiculous things out there in the universe, so Deep Space isn't all that surprising xD

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Consider voting for me in the Worldbuilding Awards!
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