Ichor Poisoning
Ichor poisoning is a lethal magical condition that morphs your blood into ichor. It has many different causes, commonly caused by the bite of certain species. Witherback cobras are a well-known species to cause ichor poisoning. Ichor poisoning is predominantly seen on Norrab where ichor-wielding species are everpresent, but this condition has been seen on other planets.
The disease has an unreliable cure, in the form of an antivenom. Frog species from the family Sudodendrobatidae produce a liquid which contains chemicals capable of reversing the process of ichor poisoning.
Ichor poisoning targets the heart. When someone has been injected with ichor, it begins to multiply, replacing blood cells. Ichor very quickly takes over the entire body and every blood stream and vessel, initially aiming for the heart for easier transfer and flow around the rest of the body. A patient can succumb to ichor poisoning in minutes.
If you suspect somebody has been poisoned, look out for these symptoms. The list descends in order of appearance - sweaty palms are the first telltale sign. Once the eyes have turned black there is no hope. The antivenom will not work past the point of black eyes, as the ichor has reached the heart and the antivenom cannot reverse the process.
Treating ichor poisoning is a difficult process. On Norrab, sweat frog sweat is harvested and concentrated, sold within small capsules. When a traveller of the Looming Desert is bitten by a witherback cobra, the capsule is consumed immediately. Antivenomous chemicals within the sweat are able to fight the ichor before it reaches the heart.
These capsules are not just popular on Norrab. Pharmaceutical companies based on Norrab have business with other planets where ichor poisoning is a serious danger, and where there is no native cure. Planets Menudao and Jazanti from the Galanti Cluster are some of the biggest buyers of these capsules.
Mythological Significance
From a religious and mythological perspective, ichor poisoning holds many strong beliefs around it. Many see ichor poisoning as a deity's attack on mortals, channeling their energy through the very creatures that people live alongside. In many religions and mythologies deities cannot physically harm mortals, so this method of channeling is the next best thing.
Some cultures see ichor poisoning as one of the most noble ways to die. Those that perish from ichor poisoning are given the most elaborate and lavish funerals, worshipped and praised in their final minutes. A divine death deserves a divine funeral.
Well, that's terrifying. I like the mythological aspect of dying by ichor poisoning is a divine death. That's a really neat touch.
Thank you! <3