Bird Watcher's Journal

A small journal created by birdwatcher Manara Matara, the Bird Watcher's Journal contains detailed descriptions of every bird species found in the continent Unuth on Osao.


Azure-Striped Pecker by Mochi

There is at least one image per species entry, each entry taking up a minimum of a page, and on average two. Manara's life's work has been poured into this journal, and it contains every single ounce of information she has gathered in her 150 years of existence.

Each biome contains a completely different style, based on the specific colour palette of said biome. For example, pages with birds from the Unuth Red Desert are a red colour, while pages with birds from the Coastal Coralspikes are yellow.

The Bird Watcher's Journal is easily the most in-depth ornithology journal documenting the avid species on Unuth. Not only are there detailed descriptions of anatomy, but personally drawn sketches, random facts, and information on behaviour and psychology are also present.

The journal is categorised by location, in the order:

  • Zcarazas Plains
  • Unuth Red Desert
  • Unuth Orange Desert
  • Dragon Forest
  • Dark Umbrella Forest
  • Unuth Glitter Forest
  • Teal Umbrella Forest
  • Coastal Coralspikes

  • Osao is a rocky planet in the Kurhira System, one of eleven. It is characterised by an entirely tropical climate, with average temperatures (Celsius) in the forties, year round.   Five continents make up the majority of dry land on Osao. These five continents are home to perplexing lifeforms, intriguing peoples, and gorgeous sceneries.

    The Author

    The author of the Bird Watcher's Journal, Manara Matara, is a slime woman from Uaelor. She was born in Xexiala, but moved to Unuth when she was three, and remembers none of her time in her home city.

    She spent her early life sneaking out of her home in the evenings and during nights and spying on native wildlife. She quickly grew fond of birds, and found their ability to fly and bright colours fascinating. When she was thirteen, she began seriously compiling her own made research and information she had gathered and began writing a book.

    After publishing her first book, she became a familiar face in the world of biology and ornithology. Even the most novice and amateur birdwatchers knew who she was, and with this motivation and fame she moved to Ecela in an attempt to write a book documenting every bird species from this continent. She is still working on this to this day, and is approximately 30% complete, with 235 species documented as of now.

    Journal, Scientific

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    Cover image: Osao Header by Mochi


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    Feb 21, 2023 00:20 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

    cute and really nice! I hope you enjoyed your trip to the wildlife park. sounds awesome! <3

    Feb 21, 2023 17:43 by Mochi

    Thank you so much! I really enjoyed it, so many cool birds :D

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Feb 28, 2023 18:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    I love this. I wish I could read the whole journal!

    Feb 28, 2023 19:11 by Mochi

    I would definitely write it but it would take years and years xD

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Oct 25, 2023 12:05 by Jordan Beasley

    Aw, I love it! I wonder about the completeness percentage, it's got Pokedex vibes. ^U^

    From the desk of Mr. Beasley   Worldbuilder|Author|Dungeon Master
    Oct 26, 2023 08:07 by Mochi

    Thank you! I need more pokedex type things in my world, they're right up my alley xD

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
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