Nari peoples

The Nari peoples, are not a unified nation, instead they have formed many kingdoms in the easternmost territories of the known world, like Gorhas, Cizrash, Ma'Jese and Sha. They are great sailors, that are not afraid of the waves and storms neither the gods and monsters that inhabit the seas.
— Ashi of Arushpa, Seris geographer.


  The Nari peoples have a humble origin. When the bronze age began they were located in the South-East of Karia, where they lived in villages where they inhabited houses raised on piles built in shallow waters.   They were, and some still are today to some degree, sea faring peoples. With the introduction and rapid expansion of rice after 3000 BP with the arrival of the Seris to the continent , the Nari peoples experience a demographic boom and, as the interior was home to the nomads, the only way to conquer new territory was to sail to new shores. In an space of 1000 years, waves after waves of Nari peoples went north colonizing the nearby shores and peninsulas, reaching as far as the frozen north. It is due to this fenomenon that no sense of unity aside from language and religion arose within the Nari.   By 2000-1500 BP, the nomads that occupied the plains in the interior migrated southwards, lefting the plains to be inhabited by the ancestors of the Northern Humans ( called Harawi by the Nari) and also the Nari peoples who were beginning to go up the rivers founding new settlements and outposts. This led to a lot of conflicts between both communities that in a period that lasted over 500 years led to the expulsion of the Harawi to the far North, and the final colonization of the interior regions by the Nari peoples who, in turn, created their own kingdoms and states

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Orawa, Ayami, Sumiya, Tsubai, Guyi,  Korumi,

Masculine names

Tome, Gerou, Ao, Oyame, Arama, Aichi, Nomao, Uri, Suvarnavarman, Astavarman,

Family names

Tebaryou, Okaryo, Obari, Nempo,


Major language groups and dialects

The Nari peoples speak different languages that evolved from a Proto-Nari language spoken during the middle Bronze Age. The most important ones are Ya'ez, Tarou, Mai and Sha.
These languages are commonly written in the Nari script, a very complex alphabet made of logograms.
There is not a high degree of intellibility between the Nari languages, specially comparing those of the north with those of the South. Because of this issue, the Nari peoples use what is called " The common dialect", an standarized version of Ya' ez ( that was the language of prestige for much of the Nari people's history) while talking between them.

Culture and cultural heritage

Naris are deeply connected to the Sea, they are some of the best if not the best sailors in Yeia, and they're famous for their fast and durable ships and for knowing almost every creature that lives in the sea.

Average technological level

In the past, a couple of centuries BP, you could say that Naris were a bit primitive ( compared to their elven and human neighbours to the East) but today, thanks to the trade with Seris an Blatians, and their missions to the West, Naris have slowly achieved a technological level enough to be considered a civilized and advanced nation.

Common Etiquette rules

It has been noticed by foreigners that Nari peoples tend to bow a lot ( usually as a sign of respect, for thanking someone or for showing humility in front of the statues of the gods.
The degree of bowing of a person depends between age and social status. In the presence of a god or a king a Nari must bow kneeling himself and his head touching the ground.
Also other sign of respect or giving thanks to another person is placing your righ hand over your heart.

Common Dress code

Nari fashion is as diverse as the Naris themselves. Southern Naris men wear a skirt decorated with sea or mythological creatures or with geometrical designs.   Southern Nari women wears a thin robe over their chest and an skirt.   Meanwhile those in the north and the interior wear very different clothes. Northern Nari wear clothes reminiscent of those of the Seris, with long tunics and trousers tied with ankle straps. Women, on the other hand, wear long and very beautiful dresses called "Mayaka".

Art & Architecture

Nari architecture has undergone a long and profound evolution over the course of the centuries but many of its traditional elements have survived. Most of the Nari architecture, apart from the basement of their castles, is made of wood. The most distinctive architectural feature of Nari architecture are without doubt stilt houses.
Due to their close relation to the sea since its early history, most Nari settlements are located on the coast, mainly in form of floating villages. They are mostly built around a main channel that acts like a marketplace and transport through the "streets" is mainly done by ship.
Nari art has also certainly undergone a significant evolution mostly influence by the powers that trade with the Nari realms.
The most ancient form of Nari arts are little mud figurines called "Bonsen". They represented both kings and the main gods of the Nari pantheon. Also, every stilt house has a highly decorated façade with mythological creatures or scenes of daily life. One of the first powers that influenced the Nari was the Kingdom of Unhelion . From the Sun Elves the Nari learned the art of carved wood roofs and adobe building. And some Nari gods began to be represented with elements proper of the elven deities.
But the most important influence, specially to the Nari realms of the South and the center was that of the Seris, who began tp trade with them through the Sea and by land thanks to the Amber Road. Since the 2nd century AP the Naris began to write the first books made of paper and decorated them with illustrations following Seris art. Since then, Seris art has become the model for Nari art ( although with a lot of native traditions mixed with it).
And finally, the Nari realms to the north added to their present Sun elf influence, that of the Blatian culture thanks to the trade and the establishment of trade colonies by merchants from the Republic of Valia.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

One of the most well known traditions of the Nari are their painted faces. These paintinhs not only represent a personal choice but also indicates social status. Usually they can be just lines or triangles below the eyes ( similar to elven paintings) or paintings with the form of waves or trees.
Nari warriors also paint their arms and bodies with totemic animals or images pf deities.
It has also been stated that southern Naris are more welcoming to strangers than the northern brothers. One of their customs while recieving a foreigner into their village is to offer him tea or coffee and puting a croen of flowers into his head.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a baby is born inside a Nari family, incense is burned around the baby and also it is left to burn inside two incense burners at the house gates. This is for puryfing the child and to gave thanks to the gods.
A year after the child is born, a ceremony is performed by the village priest in which he takes the baby, makes him or her kiss the statue of the godess of the Sea and the Water ( mother of all the Naris) and submerges the kid into the sea or the river simbolizing the acceptance of the baby into the community of the Sons of the Sea.

Coming of Age Rites

The comming of age rite is similar for those living on the coast and those living in the interior. But is different for girls and boys. It consists of dive into the water and reemerge with a "trophy". Usually this could be a fish or a pearl. Usually is the latter because the pearls the boys take from the sea are the gifts they will offer to their brides not long after.
For girls, the comming of age rite consists on knitting their first dress, that would be the gift they will offer to their future husbands.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Nari funerary traditions are very peculiar due to their conection to the water and the sea. In the coastal communities the dead are buried in designated beaches that act as cemiteries. The fact that they are located there is that Nari believe that when a person dies he or she reunites with the Mother Goddess, that is the Goddess of Water.
In the case of the communities in the interior they put the deceased into a wooden coffin and place it on the river so that he will one day, travelling throught, my reach the Sea.
This tradition is not applied to Kings and the Higher nobility, they prefer to be buried in huge square tumuli usually constructed by the communities of the nearby villages. Inside these tumuli a huge room is constructed and decorated like a palace where its is not only placed the body of the deceased but food and precious objects that he or she will carry to the afterlife. One particular feature of this rooms is the presence of an artificial water channel powered by a mechanism using gravity that allows water to flow almost eternally. The role of this "artificial river is simbolic as it represent the river through the deceased should travel in order to reach the sea.

Historical figures

  • Empress Amika : Blatian Empress of the 7th-8th centuries AP
  • Prince Mamijo: Commander of the first Mission to the East and ambassador to the Blatian Empire
  • Empress Aishi: Seris Empress of the 6th century.
  • Suvarnavarman I: founder of the kingdom of Cizrash ( r. 318- 261 BP)


Beauty Ideals

The ideal of woman or girl for a Nari is different in the North and in the South.
In the north a "beautiful girl" has to have a pale skin and her body has to be thin. Also she has to have delicated movements while walking or performing ceremonies.
In the South, on the other hand, a beautiful woman has to be not very thin but also not fat and her skin has to be something more brown. But, as in the North, delicacy and elegancy while performing religious duties or ceremonies is highly appreciated.
As for men, preferences for skin color and body are mostly the same as for women. But if we talk of facial hair, then northern Naris preffer to have a thin moustache with a nob while Southern Naris preffer to be clean shaved.

Gender Ideals

Again, if we talk about gender ideas, we have to make a clear distinction between North and South
  In the South, Nari society is more egalitarian that in the north. Women offen take part in maritime expeditions, even as admirals and t they mostly do the same jobs as men; even during war time. Nari warrior women are certainly as dangerous and fierce as men. House and house management although, is something that is only relatef to women.   In the North, however, War and politics are exclusively reserved to men, while women (specially those from the nobility) stay most of the time at home, most of these noble women spend their time composing poems and drawing beautiful paintings.
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Then the goddess of the Sea, our Mother, created a big wave thar crushed into the coast, and from its foam, we, humans and above all the Naris, their chosen ones, appeared. And because of this, when we see the sea or wonder through it, we don't consider it as something dangerous, but as our second home
— Nari myth about thd creation of mankind


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