The Folk of Aetheria in XOver | World Anvil
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The Folk of Aetheria

There are 6 significant species which made it to the stars after The Folk (the name which the sentient species of the Aether Sea call themselves) left Homeworld:  
  • Dwarves: Short but sturdy underground dwellers with a particularly crazy king back on Homeworld.
  • Elves: Forest folk with a knack for magic and some power in the SCU.
  • Goblins: The scrawny green folks, a long-time servant caste among other species.
  • Humans: A widespread and altogether sociable group, they run the Hegemony and can’t be overlooked.
  • Orcs: The scary green folks, known for being an ever-looming threat among other species over the generations.
  • Trolls: Massive and ponderous and much-abused, they’ve lost most all their history.

Using Species in Aetheria Online

The requirement for playing a species in Aetheria Online is to simply incorporate it into a Key Aspect, such as the Professional Aspect of Fearless Orc Raider. Traits which are then assumed to be possessed by the race can be invoked by means of the aspect. For example, all races have better night vision than humans (dwarves have the best of all followed by goblins). One could invoke the aspect which indicates their species - for example, our Orc Raider could invoke his aspect to create the advantage I Can See At Night.   However, a species is also a good reason to develop a particular stunt. Again, our Orc Raider could just as well take the stunt Nightvision: Because I am an Orc, normal (outdoor) darkness does not hinder me and I gain +2 to Alertness when Overcoming any Darkness aspect.


In Royal space, the different sorts of folk are sometimes called “races.” That ain’t a popular term in the deep sea; it’s something used by the all-human Royals to imply that everyone else is just a different sort of human at their core, and that non-humans are all the same, without races of their own. “Species” is a safe option, but even more popular is “folk,” which does that “happy shared banner of personhood” thing without the baggage: the folk might all be different, but they’re all still folk.

Articles under The Folk of Aetheria


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