Development Timeline in wow that's a lot of stars | World Anvil
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Development Timeline

wow that's a lot of stars is a sci-fi setting about adventure, exploration, and discovery. Every person, place, and thing has a story to tell, if you listen closely.   Setting Intro | Visitor's Guide | Author's Intentions
No plan survives contact with the enemy, but they're fun to have around anyways.   Below are timelines for goals I hope to reach each year I'm here on WA. They include goals for both this world and my prose world, You Are Here Now, because one list is easier to maintain than two. Ones with (talos) are specific to this world, while (yahn) is my prose world, and (both) is, well, both.
I don't expect to meet many of these deadlines, especially in the winter. It's more of a "let's see how close I can get" deal. That's part of why this timeline is front-loaded: what I don't finish can feasibly be done in the next season. I highly doubt I can meet all my intended Monstrous deadlines, but I'll be happy with finishing book 1 and getting 30% through book 2.
(talos) Copy generic articles to more appropriate templates.
(talos) Format those articles in their more appropriate templates.
(talos) Write about psionics.
(talos) Publish the Visitor's Guide.
(yahn) Write and post Monstrous book 1 scenes 3-8.
(yahn) Create a 'start reading' entrypoint.
(both) Tidy up redundant custom CSS classes.
(both) Begin mobile-friendly CSS updates.
(talos) Write about space pirates and promote How to Pirate Space.
(talos) Update the Visitor's Guide.
(talos) Prepare for Summer Camp.
(yahn) Write and post Monstrous book 1 scenes 9-end.
(both) Continue mobile-friendly CSS.
(talos) Promote How to Pirate Space.
(talos) Pride Month event (details TBD).
(talos) Summer Camp!
(yahn) Begin Monstrous book 2 with scenes 1-6.
(talos) Begin existential horror writing about space.
(talos) WorldEmber!
(yahn) Write and post Monstrous book 2 scenes 7-end.
Click a year to see its timeline. It will be updated periodically with actual progress and changes.

Cover image: by Aaron Lee, Nick Ong, Norah Khor


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Jan 5, 2024 19:28 by Chase

Good luck! I deleted my dev timeline because I never updated it! Maybe I should use it more like this, instead...

Jan 7, 2024 01:29 by Rin Garnett

In my experience, it requires figuring out a balance between forcing yourself to stick with a scheduling method, and finding a method that you don't mind forcing yourself to use. I'm not sure if this will be it for me, but I'm excited to find out!

Jan 8, 2024 00:45 by Chase

Good luck! I hope it works!