Tyler Gaits Character in Worlds of Gods Hub | World Anvil

Tyler Gaits

{AHF Era}: Tyler Gaits is a Champion Mk.IV and Kelestian Operator. After being successfully recruited by Seader Kalious he's placed on Kelestian Expeditionary Team DN.0006 and eventually fully immigrates into Kelestia. During his time there he makes a lot of friends, becomes a renowned operator, and joins the ranks of the great Kelestian Heroes.   {SF Era}: Tyler enters the events of SolFront when he makes his first visit to Windsor after coming back to the Mainland. After piecing together Roy Reynard, his brother, is not only a fellow DemiHuman, but a superhero as well Tyler feels obligated to help him.   {GoA Era}: Tyler takes the mentor role in Gates of Armageddon for the Kelestian Breaker Team DN.0000. When the team goes missing he becomes part of Kelestian Emergency Away Team DN.248 to find them.    {TLP Era}: Tyler is part of the One Worlds Alliance for the events of The Last Planesman.     {CV Era}: Tyler is one of the founders of the Inter-Whiasmieric Alliance for the events of Celestial Voyage.   {MoF Era}: Tyler is involved with the IWA's plan to capture the Marks for study.   {LB Era}: Tyler is placed on the Ketra study crew.   {AWBG Era}: Tyler is one of the Captains for the IWA during the events of A World Beyond Gods.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tyler starts the saga as a slightly muscled teen, as the stories go on he creates an ever-evolving training regimen meant to keep his mind and body in peak shape. His commitment has never been perfect but he's committed to it, and it pays off.
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Special abilities

Champion Abilities   A tactician's mind: Tyler's mind is augmented to enhance each of these traits up to five times more efficiently than a normal human. He can also learn to etherically charge this ability further increasing his augmented abilities.
  • Attribute Enhancement: Intellect {Enhanced Thought Processing & Memory}
  • Attribute Enhancement: Wisdom {Adaptive, Enhanced Awareness, & Supior Cognition}
  • Enhance Senses: Vision  {Spatial Perception}
  • Body Language Analysis 
  • Parallel Processing 
OtherMind: Over time Tyler develops his own OtherMind, similar to that of a second mind in his head. It takes in input from his body similar to that of his own mind. It offers a chance for him to bounce his ideas off someone at a speed equal to his own processing times. His other mind brings with it exclusive abilities that it can use independent of Tyler's directives. They communicate telepathically.
  • Attribute Enhancement: Intellect {Supirior Thought Processing & Perfect Recall}
  • Attribute Enhancement: Wisdom {Adaptive, Supiror Awarness, Peak Cognition, & Wit}
  • Othermind: Numerical Precision 
  • Othermind: Synergy
  • Personal Probability Manipulation {15
  • Extrasensory Abilities {Danger Sense & Distance Sense)
  Normal Abilites:   Supplimentary Casts
  • Etheric Defense Matrix 
Fluid Casting: Aura
  • Etheric Deflector Shield 

Apparel & Accessories

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Specialized Equipment

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  • Vulcan Gauntlets
  • Tyler's Armory
  • Lionmail
  • LionsMain

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born shortly after the Flash War, Tyler's life has been rather mundane growing up. For as long as he can remember his parents have been divorced and he spends the majority of his time in Toronto with his mother. As a child, he spent most of his time in the house of his lifelong friend Juno Kurch while his own mother stayed busy with work. The two kids got on amazingly well, often tinkering around in Juno's father's garage workshop, blasting aliens together in video games, or just sitting in Juno's room reading comic books or watching tv, the two were almost inseparable as kids. When Tyler's mother was off work he would spend time with her, valuing the time they got together. On the weekends the pair might watch a movie together or they would invite Juno and her family over and spend time together. Every other weekend he would spend time with his father in Windsor with his step family. Over time he even formed a bond with his half brother Roy Reynard. As he got older the visits to his father became a little more infrequent. Tyler would join some extra curricular programs to try and meet new people, but his shyness would always get the better of him. Never really blessed with natural athletic talent nor the drive to practice many of the sports pursuits didn't go well, with him not the worst player on the team, but hard-pressed to even call him a C+ player either. He fared slightly better in the more cerebral programs but still not great. He quickly learned to just stick by what was familiar and formed a close-knit trio of Juno and Sterling Green when they began seeing each other.

Gender Identity



  1. {AHF Era}: Tyler would be in his 11th year at school this year had he not gone to Kelestia. He always did, fine, in school getting A's and B's only really excelling in History and any class he shared with Juno, who would compete against him.
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  4. {TLP Era}:
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  8. {AWBG Era}:


Tony's Pizzeria
  • Under the table paid, Pizza prepboy.
Kelestian Operator DN.48076
  • Full-time Operator,
  • Completed Operations: [__% SR]

Accomplishments & Achievements

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Failures & Embarrassments

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Mental Trauma

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Intellectual Characteristics

Tyler is the definition of an over thinker, often finding 78 ways to analyze any problem. This has been a life long habit for him and he's pretty good at it, allowing him to come across as quick thinking and always having a back up plan. He's also capable of remembering tons of information, and even has a photographic memory.

Morality & Philosophy

Tyler is at his core a lawful good type person. He wants to believe that at their core most people wish to be kind to one another.

Personality Characteristics


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Tyler Gaits

Friend (Important)

Towards Seader Kalious



Seader Kalious

Friend (Important)

Towards Tyler Gaits




Met as teammate and grew to be close friends with Tyler even being Seader's confidante at times.

Relationship Reasoning


Tyler Gaits

Friend (Important)

Towards Lucious Stullengard



Lucious Stullengard

Friend (Important)

Towards Tyler Gaits




They met after one of Lucious' shows. More so than most Tyler was apprehensive of Lucious in the beginning not knowing how to take the man. After spending time with him the two have become friends.

Relationship Reasoning


Tyler Gaits

Friend (Important)

Towards Alicia Ferro



Alicia Ferro

Friend (Important)

Towards Tyler Gaits




These two have come a long way from meeting each other on Alicia's doorstep. After they had to time to get properly acquainted in Kelestia, they developed a soft older sister, younger brother type relationship. After A'Layah's addition to the team Alicia and Tyler talked a little less, but the two remain good friends throughout the series. Interestingly after the death of Nikka, Alicia only allows herself to be vulnerable around her sisters or Tyler.

Shared Secrets

Alicia is extremely guilty about killing Nikka, and she will never forgive herself for not saving him from Alexander's lies.

Tyler Gaits

Friend (Vital)

Towards A'Layah Taleh



A'Layah Taleh

Friend (Vital)

Towards Tyler Gaits




The relationship between these two can not be understated. It's probably the most important relationship in their story, HF. The two help each other grow into the characters they become by the end of their long personal journeys.

Nicknames & Petnames

A'Layah begins calling him Ty after she hears Juno say it. Tyler went through a short lived period of calling her A as a result but it didn't stick.

Shared Secrets

They don't tell many people, but they did date for about a year during their extended vacation on the mainland in-between HF and GoA.

Roy Reynard

Half Brother (Vital)

Towards Tyler Gaits


Tyler Gaits

Half Brother (Vital)

Towards Roy Reynard



{ Era}: Tyler and Roy have never really spent to much time together growing up. Not only did the distance between them not help the circumstances, the lack of shared interests also hindered matters. Both brothers have a mutual respect and love for one another but they live quite distant lives. { Era}: { Era}: { Era}: { Era}: { Era}: { Era}: { Era}: { Era}:

Tyler Gaits

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Dahlia Tuem



Dahlia Tuem

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Tyler Gaits




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Commonalities & Shared Interests

  • Capital Conquest Trading Card Strategy Game

Juno Kurch

Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Tyler Gaits



Tyler Gaits

Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Juno Kurch




{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:

Nicknames & Petnames


Sterling Green

Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Tyler Gaits



Tyler Gaits

Close Friend (Vital)

Towards Sterling Green




{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:

Date of Birth
1st of September, 2003
Year of Birth
2003 MEs 107 Years old
Dahlia Tuem (Spouse)
Roy Reynard (Half Brother)
Dark brown
Often kept short.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Esspreso Brown
Known Languages
  1. English
  2. French (Not that proficient)


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