Alicia Ferro Character in Worlds of Gods Hub | World Anvil

Alicia Ferro

{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}: Cunning, shrewd, and determined. Even at her age Alicia has built up several lifetimes worth of experience in various life or death encounters and made sure she was the one who would walk away alive. With a perpetually aloof facade she’s crafted over the span of years she can effortlessly detach whatever her current emotions and thoughts are from her calm expressions. In battle her ability for detachment comes in handy as she’s managed to become a feared warrior known to kill foe’s without a second thought or warning. In private she’s become a quiet loner listening to music and keeping her nose buried in her journal only saving time for younger sisters Miciela and Kalina.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Undernourished, to the point where after moving to Kelestia after a while she gains significant weight and clocks in at a much healthier weight for the rest of the series.
  • {AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:

Body Features

She has a birth mark on her shoulder that extends up to the back of her neck.

Physical quirks

She tends to make herself as small as possible.

Special abilities

Spacial Slash: Combining multiple casts; Teleportation, Arc Striking, and Static Channeling; she can slash through not just her targets but space itself. Teleportation: Within her line of sight she can teleport herself and anything touching her. Dash step: Up to 50m she can dash in any direction even moving through solid objects. Arc step: She can charge her ether into dash step to cause a path of destruction behind her dash. Arc Striking: Alicia can deal internal damage to a being’s nervous system with her physical strikes. GED Static Channeling Fluid Trait Manipulation: Instinct, Speed, Agility, Flexibility, & Dexterity

Apparel & Accessories

{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:While her clothes are baggy and typically ill fitting, nothing is too baggy that it would be a hindrance. She dresses with a purpose and that purpose is to always have an escape plan.

Specialized Equipment

  • Osmyr’s Blade: The weapon has its own permanent enchantment of Osmyr’s lightning. The blade can also channel it’s wielders static ether as well. With Alicia’s lightning ether the blade becomes super-heated able to cut through any material.
  • Fluidus Blade: This mysterious “blade” is solid aether forged into a mysterious metal hilt with a button that rests where one’s index finger would sit. The hilt connects to a chamber of liquid aether with a three foot cord implanted in the center of the chamber. With the press of the button the liquid runs down the cord sticking to it as though it was liquid metal around a magnet. When the wielder channels their either into the weapon the liquid aether will solidify into a sharpened blade in whatever shape the liquid held. As a bonus Nikka had the sheath of the blade crafted into a sharpened blade except for the exact spot his hand would hold the sheath.
  • Sprite Storm Blade: An Ice and Lightning split-blade sword. One side of the blade was stabilized Ice and the other side is stabilized Lightning. A pearl-like white Etheric stone is crafted into the hilt in between the blades.
  • War Mask: A heavy duty solid metal removable face cover to her helmet. It is constructed from kelestian steel and she paints a new design on its blank metal face every night before a mission.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up in the favelas of Brazil, Alicia has hardly had much of a fair go of things. Despite the best efforts of Brazil's union allies change is a slow process especially in the most impoverished of areas. Born during the Flash War after her father was already deployed in the South American campaign, Alicia grew up never knowing him as shortly after he returned, he ran off with a nurse that he met in the service. Alicia's mother and even the young Alicia herself struggled to keep steady work and keep money in the home. Alicia's mother was able to relocate her family one more time into a house shared with the Touem family, or at least the father and son that was left of it. This is where Nikkalous and Alicia first met, his father would often watch the two children teaching them, the at the time forbidden secrets of casting. Nikka, as Alicia started calling him, used what they learned to take over the petty crime on their block, slowly expanding outwards building not only themselves but others around them to be quite formidable gang. While Alicia's reputation soared and for once she was able to help her mother financially it was never to last. Alicia's mother fell ill and never recovered slowly succumbing to her illness leaving Alicia alone to raise her two little sisters. Before she could ask Nikka's father for help he was killed in a home invasion and Nikka was swept away. Their gang they had built to help control the deadly crime in the area slowly fractured in constant power struggles that Alicia had no energy left to fight. She was "voted out" seemly only spared as many members refused to enact violence upon her so long as she didn't interfere in their future operations. Alicia was able to use what money she had left to relocated the family one last time and used her street knowledge and unique abilities to make a living well enough for her and her sisters to get by with her youngest sister Kalina, still gorwing up poor but not knowing the extreme poverty Alicia and Miciela faced.

Gender Identity



{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}: Alicia never had much proper schooling but she has a passion for learning new things and skills that has served her plenty well in the past.


{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:

Accomplishments & Achievements

{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:

Failures & Embarrassments

{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:

Mental Trauma

{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:

Morality & Philosophy

She sees life as a dog eat dog world. Growing up seeing the depravity of people on the brink has shown her a dark side to life that she is willing to dip her toe in but rejects staying longer than she must. The gang she made with Nikka help cut back on violence overall acting as more a community watch group before it's fracturing. She will fight hard for those who can't and always give even the scraps off her plate. But she's also capable of turning her emotions off and doing what needs to be done for the sake of her and her loved ones survival, after all, it's a dog eat dog world.

Personality Characteristics


Her little sisters are the biggest motivators of her life. She has little drive outside of providing for them.


Seader Kalious

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Alicia Ferro



Alicia Ferro

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Seader Kalious




Meeting as uneasy teammates they eventually squashed the beef and became acquaintances.

Shared Secrets

  • Kalina is Alicia's half sister.

Tyler Gaits

Friend (Important)

Towards Alicia Ferro



Alicia Ferro

Friend (Important)

Towards Tyler Gaits




These two have come a long way from meeting each other on Alicia's doorstep. After they had to time to get properly acquainted in Kelestia, they developed a soft older sister, younger brother type relationship. After A'Layah's addition to the team Alicia and Tyler talked a little less, but the two remain good friends throughout the series. Interestingly after the death of Nikka, Alicia only allows herself to be vulnerable around her sisters or Tyler.

Shared Secrets

Alicia is extremely guilty about killing Nikka, and she will never forgive herself for not saving him from Alexander's lies.

Alicia Ferro

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Lucious Stullengard



Lucious Stullengard

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Alicia Ferro



Alicia Ferro

Half Sister (Vital)

Towards Kalina Ferro



Kalina Ferro

Half Sister (Vital)

Towards Alicia Ferro




{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:

Alicia Ferro

Sister (Vital)

Towards Michaela Ferro



Michaela Ferro

Sister (Vital)

Towards Alicia Ferro




{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:

Alicia Ferro

Former-Partner (Important)

Towards Nikka De Santos



Nikka De Santos

Former-Partner (Vital)

Towards Alicia Ferro




{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:

Date of Birth
13th of January, 2001
Year of Birth
2001 MEs 109 Years old
Kalina Ferro (Half Sister)
Michaela Ferro (Sister)
Deep Brown eyes with one slightly brighter than the other.
She keeps her hair short and out of the way
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A dark tan (slightly darker than caramel)
Quotes & Catchphrases
She much like both of her sisters, and their late mother, have a habit of speaking in portuguese when angry, frustrated, or in any duress. Despite the fact that they may be fully aware the person they're speaking too doesn't understand it. Alicia uses this the most often as a passive aggressive way to voice her opinion in a way no one can figure out.
Known Languages
  1. Portuguese
  2. English
  3. Spanish
{AHF Era}: {SF Era}: {GoA Era}: {DD Era}: {TLP Era}: {CV Era}: {MoF Era}: {LB Era}: {AWBG Era}:


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