Arcane Advancement Tradition / Ritual in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Arcane Advancement

This is one of the many traditions documented in The Arcane Summit - Cipher. The only ones able to read and confir this advancement onto another arcane user is one of a Elder Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard or greater.


This was invented at one of the many Arcane Summits. It was discovered early on that someone needed to lead these Arcane Summits and it was typically the most powerful Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard. So in the earlier days of the Arcane Summit they used to hold an Advancement Tournament. Here casters had to go head to head in a magic duel. Death was sometimes a result of these duels and lead to an early retirement or quicker advancement of a Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard. In more modern times after the Continent of Renstrom underwent two major wars the need for Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard started to rise. This was due to many perishing in combat or even during the Arcaninum Skirmish. So a the vicory ritual has been the norm as confiring a proper arcane advancement now days.


To undergo an appropriate Arcane Advancement one must me learning or have had the guidance of Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard that is no longer an apprentice under someone above them. One has to expertly demonstrate to an Elder Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard or greater they are worthy of their advancement.   This is done by testing ones arcane mastery per the gifts Mystra has bestowed upon them or where taught by their mentors. Some aquire the right to become an Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard just by shear tanasity and drive. However, to be a true Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard they have to prove they are worthy.   Every teir of advancement has its own required threshhold to be acepted into the next advancement. For example an Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard Initiate must succesfully demonstrate their cantrip and spell casting ability to be even considered for the advancement to Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard Scholar. The earlier stages of advancement seem to go fairly easy on the one wishing to advance. However, once they get into the three apprentice tiers the advancement requirements get a bit harder.


To participate in the event you have to be studing various arcane magical practices. Every rank has a proper role to play in the arcane advancement ceremony. If you are not up for advancement you are required to help the event to go off without a hitch.   Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard Initiates are the ones responsible for set up and tear down of all festivity events as the labor force.   Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard Scholars are the ones responsible for planning and working with those below them to make sure everything looks great.   Junior Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard Apprentices are the ones responsible for brewing the right teas and potions for the festivities.   Senior Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard Apprentices are the ones responsible for hunting and cooking all food. Adept Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard Apprentices are responsible for quality control for all food and drinks for the festivities. They oversee the other apprentices and making sure the junior brews the right teas and the senior hunts and cooks the proper meats.   Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizard are incharge of procuring entertainment for the festivities. They typically have more social interactions with adventurers or entertainers seeking their help on magical matters. So they can ask for a favor in return.   Arch Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizards are typically the guards for the festivities until it is their turn for advancement. They will report any findings of strange activities to those directly above them.   High Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizards are typically assigned to more host greeting and more advanced security for the festivities.   Elder Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizards are the ones generally evaluating and conducting the earlier stages of the arcane advancement. This is done by testing and instruction. Will only confir an advancement if they are the highest rank at the arcane summit.   Grand Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizards are typically the ones that will be the primary host and will call on the ones being advanced to come present themselves to the advancement team. Will only confir an advancement if they are the highest rank at the arcane summit.   Grandmaster/Grandmistress - Artificer/Mage/Sage/Wizards are privileged with all arcane advancements if they are present. The most senior of which is the one confiring the honor.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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