Dreamdraught Item in World of Seven Seas | World Anvil



Dreamdraught is a golden-yellow liquid that closely resembles the color of the berries used to produce it. It has a consistency that has been described as fizzy, airy, or bubbly, depending on the nuance of the individual maker. Those who have drank it describe it as oddly dry going down the mouth and throat, with a sharp minty taste.


Dreamdraught is used in a ceremony called The Dreaming by those getting ready to take full vows as clergy of The Senary. It allows aspirants to acheive the necessary state they need to complete the Dreaming ritual.

Manufacturing process

In order to create Dreamdraught, the berries from the Sunny Bitterbush are harvested only after they have ripened and then preserved used carefully crafted spellwork that reduces the toxicity without removing the potency. It is this spellwork, which is divinely guided, that is so carefully guarded by the orders of the Senary. Using berries that have not ripened will produce a clear or light gold potion that is not potent enough for the Dreaming, and using berries that have gone past ripe will produce a potion of dark gold or ochre color that makes the consumer extremely sick.


The recipe for Dreamdraught has been perfected over the years by practitioners of The Senary to allow aspirants into their ranks to acheive the necessary comatose-like hallucination-inducing sleepstate they need to complete the Dreaming ritual, without killing anyone anymore. Nowadays, if you die, it's almost always considered the will of the gods instead of a mistake made by your clergy leadership.


Owning Organization
The formula for Dreamdraught is kept highly secret and taught only to certain Senary clergy tasked with making it. It is the only "safe" version of drug created with the use of the Sunny Bitterbush's toxic berries, so it can sell for quite a high amount of money on the black market.
Raw materials & Components
Dreamdraught is crafted primarily from the berries from the Sunny Bitterbush. However, it is the other ingredients that make it really work; most substances (drugs) crafted from these hallucinogenic and highly toxic berries are very addictive and still likely to kill you sooner or later, with terrible side effects. What else goes into dreamdraught to make it safe enough to use for The Dreaming Ritual is a tightly guarded secret of the few Senary clergy tasked with making it.
Sunny Bitterbush
Dreamdraught is created from the golden-yellow berries of the Sunny Bitterbush plant.
Sunny Bitterbush Branch


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Dec 11, 2023 19:51 by Marc Zipper

Cool potion it made me go read the ritual for it

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Jan 21, 2024 01:56 by Devin

Thanks! I had fun creating it.

Jan 12, 2024 13:44 by Clementine Dehning

Love all the art callouts!

Trans Rights are Human Rights
Jan 21, 2024 01:56 by Devin

Thanks! I do love worldbuilding, but art is my first love - wish I had the patience to make art for all my stuff all the time, but then nothing would get written lol.

Jan 27, 2024 20:06 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'Nowadays, if you die, it's almost always considered the will of the gods instead of a mistake made by your clergy leadership.' *squints hard at the clergy leadership*   Wonderful article! I love all of the art and the nuance in the mouthfeel of the potion.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jan 28, 2024 18:25 by Devin

It *may* have taken them some time to get the non-lethal portion perfected, lol. Thanks for the positive feedback. ^^

Jan 27, 2024 20:16 by Annie Stein

Ah, congratulations on winning the item category! I'm so impressed with the art! You really made it look light and airy.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jan 28, 2024 18:29 by Devin

Thank you, I am very excited! The art for this one was fun, I had a lot of people to focus on for worldember and they are not my favorite so having something I could art for was nice. Congrats on your win as well, Solaris is very fun and the WE entries were excellent.

Jan 29, 2024 13:15 by Annie Stein

Thank you! <3

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!