Stormspear Item in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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The weapon Stormspear is ancient, perhaps nearly ten thousand years old. Its blade glistens like shimmering snow and is as light as a dagger, despite being the size of a great sword. A runic inscription is carved along the length of the massive blade in the common tongue. However, its an ancient dialect that is presumed to be spoken by the First Men, who have long passed into legend. It was lost to time during the great siege of Carnwrath and marked the defeat of The Draugrwulf. Untold thousands of soldiers under the command of Kord, the mightiest of men, perished in the fortresses deep halls. The runic inscription, when translated to more modern tongue, reads Stormspear. It ripples with the lightening of a fierce tempest storm and can cut through nearly any material besides adamantium.
Item type
Current Location
Current Holder
One of a kind.
1.5 lbs
58 inches long
Raw materials & Components

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