Eternal Prison of the Great Famine Beast Building / Landmark in World of Darkness - PNW | World Anvil

Eternal Prison of the Great Famine Beast

A secretive building on the lands of the Vancouver Sept, surrounded by a powerful set of mystical barriers to repeal mortals and creatures corrupted by the Wyrm. The outer barriers are old totem poles, carved by the Uktena and their kinfolk after the prison was created in 1602 to house problematic spirits that cannot be destroyed. The poles inflict an oppressive sense of dread to those who wish to pass which will yield way to flight if they push forward (roll Willpower, diff 8). The second set of barriers induces more fear and can incite a frenzy state in any who pass (Willpower diff 9 to stay within barrier, botch induces frenzy, attacking friend and foe alike). The final set of barriers are nearly impossible to cross unless it is the Bearer of Coldflame or one of their pack.
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