Creators of the Prophecy Ethnicity in When the Curtain has fallen | World Anvil

Creators of the Prophecy

The Prophecy was an ancient wall covered with inscriptions that described the upcoming end of the world caused by the Lords, their Beasts, and the collapse of The Curtain. The deciphered texts contained the knowledge on how to prevent said end of the world and push it away until another culture, far in the future would rediscover The Prophecy again. Because rediscovering it restarts a timer of 50 years to prepare against the three threats.   Not much is known about the people who created The Prophecy. The examinations of the wall place its creation around 3500 BC. It is unknown whether they were the first culture to face the threat of the Lords or have they learned about them from some more ancient civilization, but judging by the state of the sealed cave the wall was found in, no other society after them had to do it. Until modern times.  

What is known about them?

  • Despite coming from ███████ Island, they have managed to gather all 12 heroes (predecessors of ZODIAC) from the neighboring islands and from the landmass nearby. Said heroes, when the time came, hunted down the first Lords who have awoken, preventing them from waking up their kin and their Beasts.
  • They had a deep knowledge of the spiritual world, vast enough to create the prototype of the Faceless Ones, the spirit warriors. Their version resembled reanimated corpses wearing armor and ceremonial robes.
  • Their spiritual warriors created the first weapon made out of Lord's core concept, Spear of Metal.
  • They had to face at least one of the Beasts and had a way to discover the locations of all of the other ones while they were still in their slumber. The directions they wrote down were accurate enough that the discovery of the nests of those creatures was the main reason why The Prophecy was treated seriously.
  • They knew of Spirits and how to deal with them, both by destroying them through their taboos and creating weapons capable of hurting them.


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