Souris-kin Species in Vreathe | World Anvil
IMPORTANT NOTE! - Character articles are currently undergoing a major rewrite. Expect information in these article to be inconsistent for a few months. Expected time of completion is July.


Article Contents

"Tiny humans the size of mice? No such thing exists, unless by some cruel joke from an exceptionally powerful being. There's thirteen fairies known to be on Vreathe, four of them live in Cassel, so take your pick and ask one of them. Chances are pretty good that one of them did it!"
- Salika

"So I guess I'll just explain...There's a fairy that lives in Eastern Marsan named..what was it...Xiara, no...Lirienne! That's it! Her fairy spring, her domain, is located on a hilly area. She's actually pretty nice. Definitely nicer than I am!"

"So, the story goes that there was once a village near her. When an extreme drought struck, the villagers needed water, so they asked Lirienne. She told them that in three days, they would get all the water they would need for the year, but they were not to drink the waters of her spring."

"So, several of the villagers were sent to find water until then. the nearest river was miles and miles away and likely parched to dust. One of the girls of the village tasked with finding water, secretly went to Lirienne's spring. When she arrived at the spring she saw a mouse drinking water, and kicked it away. She then filled up two buckets of water and went to the village. Most of the villagers drank this water, and I'm sure you can guess what happened after that!"

"Lirienne punished the town, turning all of the people who drank the water into tiny mouse-like creatures. At least she let them keep their intelligence, their human habits, a somewhat human form, and also their dignity! I am much less kind, just see my Doric Bears!"

"Oh, also, it did in fact rain after three days. Lirienne kept her promise, but refused to turn the village back. These little mouse people still live around Lirienne's domain, as a warning to others who fail to listen to her. In my opinion they got what they deserved!"


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Oct 28, 2023 18:27 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

I like the first person voice of this! Very engaging!

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!
Nov 6, 2023 23:18
