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Oxygen is the most versatile element in the universe when it comes to casting magic and manipulating mana. It forms the basis of magic for four different types, arguably a fifth, and it is the most used element in manipulating chemical interactions. Conjuring Oxygen is somewhat easy in several different forms.

Oxygen is the primary oxidizing agent in nearly all chemical interactions that start fires, making it one of the elements that form the basis of Fire Magic. Oxygen itself isn't often conjured by fire mages as enough of it exists in the air to create the necessary flames and explosions. Usually Hydrogen and Carbon are conjured. Experienced mages can manipulate oxygen levels to create more intense flames.

Water can be easily created, even by inexperienced maged, by conjuring Oxygen and Hydrogen at the same time. These two elements form the basis for all Water Magic. Experienced mages find it easy to manipulate water into steam and ice, and can even manipulate the water inside a persons body for healing or pain.

Oxygen cannot be conjured in a liquid form like Nitrogen without the use of additional mana, but it still forms an effective cryogenic catalyst for Ice Magic. While some argue that Nitrogen is the basis for Ice Magic due to how easy it is to cast, Oxygen is much more versatile and can transfer thermal energy quicker. Mages can shape water ice quicker using liquid oxygen, leading to the creation of various ice blades, razor sharp icicle arrows, and more deadly uses.

Oxygen can also be conjured and manipulated in a gas form. It is also one of the most common elements in the air along with Nitrogen. Because of this, Oxygen is part of the basis for almost all Air Magic. Mages can manipulate the air to create wind, from gentle breezes to raging gales. They can concentrate the air into small projectiles to incapacitate. They can manipulate the air inside a person as well.

Oxygen, along with Silicon forms the basis for Earth Magic as it exists inside most rocks on the planet, in the form of various chemical compounds. Conjuring earth is difficult to impossible depending on what it is, though most mages can manage to conjure small amounts of sand. A common spell involves a mix of Air and Earth Magic, creating a Burst of Sand, which can easily blind almost anyone. Most Earth Magic actually involves the manipulation of Earth rather than the creation of it.

Atomic Number:
Phase of Matter:

Conjuring Cost:
Manipulation Cost:
Mana Types:

9 MP
<1 MP


Oxygen is a primary component in many different Crystals. Common varieties include Quartz and Corundum. While Diamonds are able to store large amounts of all mana indefinitely, Oxygen crystals can store different types of Mana and Aether more efficiently depending on the type of crystal. An example is a ruby. It is able to Store Fire Mana at twice the efficiency as a diamond the same size.
Chemical Elements and interactions with Mana
Material | Nov 12, 2023

A High level overview of various chemical elements and how magic interacts with them on the World of Vreathe.


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