Tech, Tools, Equipment


Clothing these days mostly are made from synthetic fibers, though a few still have some natural fibers mixed in.
Bodysuit / Skinsuit / Space Activity Suit: A skin-tight suit designed to compress the body in low-pressure environments. Newer editions also come with a nanomachine suite interlaced in the woven synthetic fabric. Perspiration is given room to disperse in every direction, For species who don't perspire, the nanofiber tubes serve as an excellent means of cooling off, as well as warming up in colder environments.


Armor comes in many shapes, sizes, and material. From big, bulky plates of kevlar, to segmented suits of linked steel.
  Microscopic nanomachines, incredibly thin fibers, and any technology using these innovations are classed under the umbrella of 'Nanotech'. Nanomachines- sometimes called 'nano‐docs', or simply 'nanos'- are mostly used for medical reasons, but the more wealthy people in society can purchase them for their own uses.


Currency for the digital age! Credits(technically named Kredyt, and often abbreviated 'Kr') are used in all places where the Federation have/had a presence, though the latter does have a tendency to work with more tangible currencies.
Most Federation citizens store their funds digitally in accounts with Federation-owned banks, protected by the strongest encryption money can buy. Yet the price of such security is high: accessing these funds requires jumping through significant hoops, and official transactions between accounts must be transparent to government and banking officials, making true privacy impossible.
Credit Chit: Called sometimes a 'Credstick'. A means of transferring credits without being tracked. An added bonus is these chits are often anonymized.
When an individual wants to load money onto a chit, they must visit an automated bank kiosk and go through the security procedures required to place a set amount of currency on the unit. Methods for the procedure are fairly variable, and may be retinal scans, fingerprinting, gene reading, or a wireless uplink with one's neural implant.
Kropeck, the sole equivalent to the Federation Kredit, this currency exists almost exclusively on Domashmir, though a handful of rebel cells utilize it to avoid being traced.
Krugel, coin-based currency minted and maintained by the Valis family, on the planet Nekmundis.

Shield Generator

A sort of armored second skin that wraps around the body and moves with the user to create the ultimate dynamic protection. Balakin Korney Prokhorovich is the foremost researcher into shield technologies.
This shielding wraps generally around the body and equipment of the one whose body is attached to the apparatus. Those with nanites will have a much tighter, stronger shield wrap as the device plays off of feedback from the nanites themselves, updating the shield positioning and attenuations much more fluidly than those without.
There are multiple stages to the shield system:
1.) Identifying wrap attenuation points on the body, done through flash-mapping said body.
2.) Dispersing the electro-active particles, and charging them to create the actual barriers between the outside world and the barrier.
3.) And finally, oxygenating the airtight bubble that this shield system produces.
An intact shield system can be used for EVA, but it's not recommended to rely solely upon it, as one impact can compromise the airtight seal.
Applied to ships and vehicles, thanks to their far more static structures, shields are able to be exponentially stronger than personal(beltclip) models.

Hover Generators

Developed in a Russian lab on pre-destruction Earth, and headed by one Yuliana Zhivenkova, what has been referred to as the "Yulia Energy Cushion" was designed combining the principles of aerodynamic and electrostatic levitation, combined with a horizontally aligned microthruster to achieve respectably fast lateral movement. These energy cushions have since seen widespread use both before and after Earth's destruction for buggies and scout craft. Nowadays, after the technology had been downsized from the rocket-sized thruster, the tech is utilized in the hover mechanisms on Federation(and Freelance) hoverbikes.
Due to the fickle nature of the technology, it is difficult and expensive to get it to work with heavier vehicles and loads. The baser models can comfortably carry up to 600 pounds(272.1554kg) of cargo/passengers. It is possible to slap on additional "Yulia Cushions" to bolster the weight limit, and while there is a theoretical upper limit, it has yet to be reached before the vehicle's power supply has reached its limits.
Those who wind up under the 'cushion' should expect a very, very unpleasant experience, one often described as "feeling like you're on fire" as their nerves are assaulted by electrostatic shock. Short of augments becoming electrocuted or shorted, though, the person in question should come out alive, though they will be left with the sensation of 'pins and needles' all throughout their body.
  Alternatively, there exists some hovercraft that utilize thundering sounds to achieve levitation. These are mostly in use by bandit clans who aim to intimidate their victims into submission, as more civilized folk have recognized the inherent danger such inordinately loud sounds can bring about.

Krasnikov Tube / NSOL Engines

The Krasnikov Tube, a concept that sat on the backburner for generations, until Aaron Epinger and his team of technicians put resources towards making it a reality. In the process of making the engine that could produce and calculate tubes of significant size and length, they came wound up creating what's known as the Impulse Drive as a byproduct, allowing for their craft to work with both luminal and subluminal speeds. One of the first principles that they came upon is the Trailblazer Particle, in which a frontier/pioneer ship departs in a given direction, and its vapor trail eventually comes to act essentially like a surfactant, allowing expedient travels for future craft. This principle became instrumental in humanity's escape from the apocalypse, as some years prior, a craft had made a jump into places unknown(which they presumed to be just an arm in the Milky Way, but in fact turned out to be an entirely new galaxy). Matters of time dilation aren't an issue, since the tunnels, or tubes, act as artificial wormholes.

Impulse Drive

Often the lower half of the obviously named Krasnikov Engine is a plasma outlet shaft and a micro fusion core, which apparently powers a series of massive magnetic coils to propel the ship, through a form of magnetohydrodynamic or magnetoplasmadynamic thrust.
Some Impulse drives utilize ion propulsion instead.

Gravimetric Centrifuge

A design proposed centuries ago, being a large drum or ring rotating to produce gravitational pull within. Updated with recently discovered exotic materials laid in intricate lattices, the technology allows the entire interior, not just the peripheral rim, to experience gravity, usually cardinally downward, according to an integrated gyroscope's readings.


A mineral unique to Vodovo Viola, initially synthesized only at ancient locations, though more recently, the formula and technology have been reverse engineered, such that the Federation can utilize the material more readily. This material is most commonly used for fuel, especially for the jump drive technology of a given engine.
The first canister, or fuel rod, was from an artifact ancient in design, and used as a basis for the modern incarnation. Ships have a variety of conveyance systems, from simple slot-ins to rotational cylinders combined with ramrods.  Regardless of conveyance, the liquid Vauxadium is injected into the plasma veneers, which, combined with the drive, allows for rapid traversal through "jump space".  The plasma takes on a green tinge, and the close of the jump portal leaves a lingering burst of this green plasma, serving as a sure sign that someone had jumped in the area.

Oheliah Machinery

Discovered in sparse caches under the surface of Nekmundis, these pieces of majorly advanced technology have been excavated and brought to Federation space for study and reverse engineering.
Disassembler Crucible: a multi-armed device with a basin at its base discovered in the ruins of Selurrn Rlep. When living organic tissue is placed inside, nothing happens, but inorganic and dead tissue is disassembled by a combination of the arms and a cloud of nanites. The reverse-engineering of this artifact has accelerated nanotechnology within the Federation, and has given rise to the theoretical Assembly Forge concept, with the largest application of it being the Vulcan Crucible shipyard/station assembler made by S&M.