Raven Species in Vnou | World Anvil


This is a WIP
There will be content here in the future. This article was created as a placeholder and referenced in another. While there is nothing here at the moment, there will be content eventually. <3


Geographic Distribution

Ravens specifically can be found in the forested regions of Sakilatian Empire, Republic of Karsla, Protectorate of Senbach, Kingdom of Vikimar, Chevria Union, Republic of Tory, Kalinilym Union, and the southern most portions of the Gelemnian Empire and forests coasts of Knaia. Though they are not exactly rare in the wilds, ravens tend to gather around vnou settlements and cities. Prefering the civilized areas to the vast wilderness. This means most people are acquainted with the sight of ravens though no one would call them a pest. At least, not out loud.


Selective breeding from the Zhu'Shpazh family has led to many Corvus tending toward a large, healthy size. They easily grow to 28in tall and weigh around 3.5 lbs, with a wingspan upwards of 4ft 8in. They display sexual dimorphism in size, with females averaging about 25% heavier than males.

They are robust and slender in appreance with a strong, elongated and pointed beak. Their clawed feet are strong enough to grip things relative to their size but aren't especially harmful nor considered weapons. Their tail is short and wedge-shaped. Centuries of selective breeding means that nearly every raven is black with a metallic iridescent sheen and dark eyes. It is almost unhead of to find a bird that doesn't match this descriptor.

Conservation & Cultivation

While raven are not especially endangered, they are treated with a certain apathy or idle recognition. No one would consider them pests though they do frequent areas vnou settle. Never in numbers that could be consider disastrous but certainly noticable. Their healthy population and lack of fear regarding vnou proximity has a lot to do with the selective breeding and cultivation of the current raven that exist now. There was a period of time when Zhu'Shpazh aggressively eradicated any raven that did not meet their breed standard, going so far as to have hunters seek out wild raven. This culling and selective breeding isn't widely known or talked about but Zhu'Shpahz are still very particular about the bird that has long represented their family.  

It is not known by the general populace, but Zhu'Shpahz still practice this 'thinning of the raven' by having conservation specialists eradicate birds that do not meet the family standard. It is always under the gais of keeping the bird population healthy and, in a way, it has. It has also leant a certain consideration that most vnou have toward the birds. Not reverant, just mindful, and if any are really making trouble wherever they are there is a conservation specialist somewhere that is all too happy to tend to the bird population on behalf of Zhu'Shpahz.


Raven are tied heavily to the Zhu'Shpazh family - this is widely known by both noble and common vnou. The birds were used in a time before the modern era as both pets and creatures of communication. They are easily one of the longest established symbols of any noble family, dating back to a time before vnou records even began.  

In true Zhu'Shpazh fashion, there was a large chunk of time that they were the sole proprieters of the birds. Heavy selective breeding turned them into the robust creatures that now fly around the planet, where they are almost a common sight. That was not always the case. There are periods of time when the bird population dipped and it was only through the efforts of the Zhu'Shpazh that they continue to exist now. This has led to the raven being largely synonymous to the Zhu'Shpazh family, especially amongst the nobility where symbols and things represent a family heavily and become almost taboo to the others. Black feathers frequently accent Zhu'Shpazh's decor, along with gold, so it is nigh unseen elsewhere.  

Vnou Interaction

To the common vnou, a raven is just another bird in the world. Sometimes a nusance that they look the other way in regards to, though many can easily recall that they are a bird tied to the wealthiest family on the planet. It's one of those little facts that everyone knows. Meaningless common knowledge. The importance, the history behind it all, or even the effort put into tending to the birds even in present day is all unknown to them. Most likely wouldn't care even if they found out or chalk it up to the eccentrics of the wealthy.  

To nobility, where appearances mean so much, the Zhu'Shpahz are still tending to their birds but in a much larger scope. Their conservation specialists exist to ensure illness does not spread, to cull any irregularities, and move the birds should they become a problem to any local vnou. The conservation specialists themselves don't usually know the true extent or reason why the family cares so much but they do tend to care about the animals.

Cover image: by Jason Wong


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Jul 2, 2023 06:33

Wow. Very nice layout and great use of graphics. Good info on the significance and yet also mild disdain for it at the same time.

Jul 4, 2023 14:48

It's been a lot of fun delving into a lot of the 'nitty gritty' of the world.

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Jul 2, 2023 18:19 by Agnes

Very interesting about the selective breeding and therefore being associated with the family! I like that you lifted a common animal as symbolizing power :)

Jul 4, 2023 14:49

Figuring out a way to have that common animal still 'matter' in what would be a more modern time where they're sort of everywhere was a fun challenge, too. Couldn't let the family 'let go' of their connection to them

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jul 4, 2023 12:17 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

I. Love. Corvids. Period. Full stop.

Jul 4, 2023 14:50

Birbs are a huge weakness for me << So obviously I gave one of the most powerful families birds as an animal

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Jul 12, 2023 01:00

Hmmm, going out and killing any that don't meet specification of a Vnou concept, now that's ruthless.

Kriltch, arcanities not included.
Jul 12, 2023 03:30

Yeah, they're such a... specific family.

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Aug 9, 2023 19:49 by Kat Chiron

I was drawn to your article as I think of Raven's as birds of 'omen'. Although the information here suggests that they are mainly considered just a 'common' species that the vnou people don't take much notice of...I feel there are secrets that have yet to be told about them and the affiliation of the noble Zhu'Shpazh family. Look forward to seeing if anything comes of this feeling.... :)

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Aug 10, 2023 09:49

Definitely right on in the feeling - they're the animal representative of one of the most powerful families. It means something to the nobility - but they operate in a different world. :3

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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