WorldEmber Homework 2023

Week 1 - Pledge Your Goal

It has been a tough few months and during that time I've found it difficult to interact on social media, World Anvil etc. However, I'm slowly returning and have decided I'd like to take part in the WorldEmber 2023 challenge. Even though I've been working on my Vyrvania: City of Secrets world for NaNoWriMo 2023, I've also been reading back through my project for NaNoWriMo 2022 and have decided that for WorldEmber I'm going to go back to that project and create a world/series bible for it. So here's my pledge...

Week 2 - Prepare Your Area of Focus

My area of focus is the village of Merlin's Gate - this will include, characters, setting, significant places and objects.
  Take a look at my meta to get a better idea of my goals and inspiration for this world.
  See the categories i'm going to be using on my Hompage here. So far I have created a landing page for each of the categories which will be added to each time I write a new article.
  I hope you will follow my world if you like #YAFantasy #UrbanFantasy #ParanormalFantasy  
Merlin's Gate

Week 3 - Welcome Your Readers!

  I have welcomed my readers by explaining the purpose of this world under the main homepage heading. I've also created a little Welcome to Merlin's Gate sidebar section that is the blurb for Book 1 and gives us a little taster of what this book/series will offer. I hope this will also encourage readers to follow my world.  

Week 4 - last minute prep!

  I will most likely continue to tweak the layout of Merlin's Gate as we go through WorldEmber and I start populating it with articles and can see better how I'd like it to look for myself and my readers.   And... here's my TODO list that I still need to work on:  
  • Tidy writing space.
  • Check out other people's world's and homework for inspiration!
  • Read WA blog posts that are on my TBR list and relevant to my work and this challenge.
  • Plan a writing schedule.
  • Continue reading everday in the genres I'm interested in (currently reading Crown of Magic by TJ Green).
  • Keep the kettle filled up!
  •     #WorldEmberPrep    

    The End

    Cover image: by Kat Chiron in Canva


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