Vitallia The Books of First Magic
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The Books of First Magic

Scientific achievement


Through the kingdom of  Goliath, Meriel was granted entrance to The Cell, and with the help of the magic of the Gargoyles, she entered the barren lands of the sealed continent in secret, in search of Misandria. The two of them, met by the river banks of Erel, after months of traveling. Near the black river, Misandria arrived, escorted by a small personal guard. Her health was in dire states as she was carrying the four children of Nedel, knowing that her labor would end her life as well. The mutation caused by The Cell affected her and the children that would be born of her as well, and Misandria trembled before the Black Seeds that would be brought into the world. She trusted Meriel with the Books of First Magic and asked her to make up for the damage that had been dealt upon the world from the arrival of the Gods and of Nedel, as she had come to believe that the Quest of the Gate had been a failure of unforgivable repercussions upon Vitallia. In the hands of the young witch, along with the Books, comes the responsibility of guarding The Crater against the hordes of monsters that reach the surface of the world and threaten the balance of Vitallia.

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